The methodology followed in this work is time frame critical review of rural development policy of Ethiopia implemented over a long periods of time by different regimes and the achievements compared among the regimes based on the policy instruments adopted accordingly and the total sum of gaps over a long period since its inception in terms of access, utilization and coverage. As underlined by Ruttan [14], “the Conservation Model remains an important source of productivity growth in most poor countries and an inspiration to agrarian fundamentalists and the organic farming movement in the developed countries”. Development agents, extension professionals, subject matter specialists, farmers’ representatives, politicians and researchers tend to contact only them. 2003;18(1):49–83. However, improved weather conditions and measures taken by the government to mitigate the effects of the preceding year’s drought have improved livestock production and productivity during 2016/17. On average, the share of national budget devoted to agriculture in the sub-Saharan Africa fell from 5.5% in 1993 to 3.8% in 2000. Overall, GDP increased on average by 4% per year. Apparently, some farmers choose to be innovators (first users), while others prefer to be early adopters, late adopters or non-adopters [13]. Frameworks, strategies, and plans for agricultural development 3. Article  Ethiop J Econ. Diffusion typically takes a number of years, seldom reaches a level of 100% of the potential adopters population and mostly follows some sort of S-shaped curve in time. However, the expected level was not achieved. In addition, a recent Natural Resource Perspective paper by the Overseas Development Institute found that good infrastructure , education and effective information services in rural areas were necessary to improve the chances of making agriculture work for the poor. Kassa B. MOFED. Kassa H. Agricultural extension with particular emphasis on Ethiopia. However, shortages of food in the late 1960s shifted the attention of policy makers to agriculture and priority was given in the Third Five-Year Plan without modifications to the overall growth strategy. Dev Policy Rev. Ethiopia’s economy and the role of the agriculture sector 2. In Ethiopia, an attempt was made to partially introduce this model (along with the diffusion model) in the Comprehensive Package Project areas, where it had a strong impact, in particular in Chilalo district of Arsi region. The importance of this point in poor countries such as Ethiopia is obvious. Knowledge and awareness about the relative importance of each package component to overall yield give farmers room for flexibility in stepwise adoption of the technology, according to their conditions and resources. Agriculture is the mainstay of Ethiopian economy involving major source of employment and gross national product. Industrial Policy in Ethiopia: An Introduction2 More than fifteen years into a period of sustained and rapid economic growth, Ethiopia has continued to attract international attention for its achievements and for pursuing a home-grown development strategy, with an active industrial policy at its center.3 Some have been sceptical Springer Nature. I read and approved the final manuscript. Yet poverty remains a major challenge. This diversity makes it a favourable region for growing a variety of crops [6]. More than 40 per cent of the population is below the age of 15, and 71 per cent is under 30. volume 7, Article number: 55 (2018) Encouraging agricultural growth is therefore an important aspect of agricultural policy in the developing world. Accepted 31 May, 2013 This paper assesses the recent policy reforms. statement and agricultural extension service delivery in Ethiopia has its impact on the development of country. Under the Imperial Era, development policies favoured industrial development, neglecting the agricultural sector and worked mainly with the better-off and commercial farmers in and around major project areas. We have used an extensive data set from Ethiopia to study the country's existing land tenure system from the perspective of farmers and to assess the impacts that this system currently has on agricultural development and implications for poverty reduction at large. The farmer can farm it only as long as he/she stays on the farm. Diederen P, Van Meijl H, Wolters A, Bijak K. Innovation adoption in agriculture: innovators, early adopters and laggards. The development of the CGA for Ethiopia was conducted under the leadership of the FAO Country The authors declare that they have no competing interests. The result shows that there is no evidence that the improved resilience and productivity of ecosystems and livelihoods through improved management of natural resources, particularly water; expanded linkages with the private sector to ensure increased and sustained access to markets, finance and agricultural technology. By African, standard rural development programme has long history in Ethiopia. Similarly, the Second Five-Year Development plan added to its priorities the establishment of large-scale commercial farms and neglected cereal production from subsistence farmers which accounted more than 80% of the cultivated area in the 1950s and 1960s. I identified and developed important outlines, validated and designed the arguments, conceived both theoretical and empirical data and editions of the final manuscript. Ethiopian agriculture has been suffering from various external and internal problems. It has over 905,831 registered refugees (as of August 2018), most of them from Eritrea, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan. Distorted macroeconomic policies, political unrest and massive villagization and settlement programmes undermined the contribution that the rural development policies could have made. The southward movement of population throughout most of Ethiopian history demonstrates the importance of the frontier model in that country. Flagship initiatives and accomplishments within Ethiopian agriculture 1 The EPRDF overthrew the Derg regime in May 1991 after a 17-year prolonged civil war in all parts of the country, leading to the formation of Transitional Government of Ethiopia (TGE). Alemaya Agricultural University; 1986. Prepared under the aegis of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), this text presents a fresh and comprehensive look at agricultural development policy. (DRM) policy, National Nutrition Strategy and Programme. Paper presented at the national workshop on food strategies for Ethiopia. It has also enjoyed a considerable attention by the government. In: Eicher C, Staaz JM, editors. Therefore, it is high time to explore possibilities for identifying approaches that could complement existing strategies of growth [5]. Google Scholar. Agriculture progresses technologically as farmers adopt innovations. Department of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension, MaddaWalabu University, Bale Robe, Ethiopia, You can also search for this author in It is also one of the top performing economies in sub-Saharan Africa. Lemma T, Beyene F. Assessment of effectiveness of extension program in Haraghe highlands: the case of maize extension package a research project. Projects Includes planned, ongoing and closed projects. Agriculture is the mainstay of Ethiopian economy involving major source of employment and gross national product. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate In: Eicher C, Staaz JM, editors. It provides a clear, systematic review of important classes of policy issues in developing countries and discusses the emerging international consensus on viable approaches to the issues. Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Economic Policy Research Institute; 2004. p. 80. However, there are few remaining areas in Ethiopia today where development along the lines of the frontier model would represent an efficient source of growth. It has also enjoyed increasing government support over years, though not to be in the level expected. IFAD’s loans support programmes that provide smallholder farmers, pastoralists and agro-pastoralists with the assets needed to enhance their productivity and resilience. Kibret H. Land reform: revisiting the public versus private ownership controversy. The Agriculture Knowledge, Learning, Documentation and Policy Project (AKLDP) is part of the USAID Feed The Future program in Ethiopia. Agricultural development is both needed by, and important for, Ethiopia. Agricultural development in the third world. The Political Economy of Agricultural Extension Policy in Ethiopia: Economic Growth and Political Control Kassahun Berhanu Respectively, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Addis Ababa University; and Reader, Centre for Development, Environment and Policy, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. © 2021 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. Besides, the ever-growing population pressure over land may not allow the average size of the operational holding to expand in the highlands where more than 80% of crop production takes place. Alemaya Agricultural University; 1986. Cookies policy. The extent to which farmers adopt available innovations and the speed by which they do so determine the impact of innovations in terms of productivity growth. However, it is possible that government policies and institutions are contributing factors, as the World Bank noted in its recent country report on Ethiopia [5, 16]. Keywords: Extension, challenge, Role, Agriculture, Ethiopia. The ranges in climate variability by season and over time framed a sophisticated set of crops, agricultural practices, and local political ecologies. In Ethiopia land belongs to the government. Cite this article. Ruttan VW. Aredo D. The Ethiopian economy: structure problems and policy issues: the relevance of the improvement approach to agricultural growth in Ethiopia; 2002. Berhanu K, Poulton C. The political economy of agricultural extension policy in Ethiopia: economic growth and political control. In Ethiopia, IFAD supports rural people in raising their incomes and improving food security, as well as increasing their contribution to the country’s economic development. Report No. Agric & Food Secur 7, 55 (2018). Around 85 per cent of the country’s 105 million inhabitants live in rural areas, and inclusive agricultural growth is a major driver of poverty reduction. It has also enjoyed a considerable attention by the government. They are intended to benefit particularly women and young people. He/she can not sell it or lease it legally. The role of land use planning in food strategy formulation for Ethiopia. In 1984 the founding congress of the Workers' Party of Ethiopia (WPE) emphasized the need for a coordinated strategy based on socialist principles to accelerate agricultural development. Were the implemented rural development models in the country appropriate? Smallholders drive their income either in cash or through own-consumption from agricultural production. To implement this strategy, the government relied on peasant associations and rural development, cooperatives and state farms , resettlement and villagization , increased food production, and a new marketing policy. Part of, DOI: The major factors which make this model highly relevant to Ethiopian agriculture are: the fact that Ethiopia is unable to make widespread use of existing technological backlog due to, mainly, the high costs of generation and diffusion of new techniques of production; the possibility that the improvement approach involves cost-effective techniques of production and capital formation as it is based upon the use of the relatively abundant and that it could delay the operations of the law of diminishing returns as land is saved through labour intensification; and the fact that soil conservation programmes need special attention as the resource base of the agricultural sector is being depleted at an alarming rate due to the fact that the soil erosion and desertification process continue almost unabated [17, 18]. Debele B. However, due to the commitment of heads of states in Maputo in 2003 to allocate 10% of their budget to agriculture and a recovery of attention to agriculture, Ethiopia is one of the eight countries to meet the target allocating 15% of the budget over the decade of 2003/2004–2012/2013 [1]. Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation, Addis Ababa; 2004.,,, Food insecurity is a major challenge: 35% of children are moderately underweight and 14% are severely underweight; 51% of children suffer from moderate stunting and 28% suffer from severe stunting. Compared to other sub-Saharan Africa, Ethiopia has an admirable record of supporting agriculture; the continued state-led policies to boost agricultural production, but understanding of the complex issues involved, evidence-based analysis and policy recommendations, and continuous debate on the pros and cons of alternatives options are required. Was there any gap of utilization and coverage of the technologies? development of agri culture in Ethiopia f ollowing the 1975 land reform, which resulted in insecurity of individual land tenure, low producti vities, poorly str uctured market Overall assessment of the access, utilization and coverage of the technological packages of rural development in the country was not realized although there were significant attentions across regimes. Agricultural Development Policy in Ethiopia A BaselIne Study in Fedis Awraja Fantu Cheru Bergen, September 1992. The land tilled by the Ethiopian small-scale farmer accounts for 95% of the total area under agricultural use, and these farmers are responsible for more than 90% of the total agricultural output [3]. During the period 1950–1974, the political arena was characterized by absolute monarchism. 8062-ET, Washington, DC; 1990. J Soc Dev Africa. During the 1974–1991 periods, however, the political environment favoured collective and state farms at the expense of individual farmers. When many African countries have shown limited commitment to supporting smallholder agriculture and when many neglected agricultural extension services in particular, the government of Ethiopia invested in both. Around 85 per cent of Ethiopia’s inhabitants live in rural areas. Rahmeto D. Agriculture policy review. Survey of the Ethiopian economy: review of post reform developments 1992/3–1997/8. wooden plough by oxen and sickles); over-reliance on fertilizers and underutilized techniques for soil and water conservation; inappropriate agrarian policy; inappropriate land tenure policy; ecological degradation of potential arable lands; and increases in the unemployment rate due to increases in the population [12]. Development Plan has been documented since the 1950s in Ethiopia. Digest of Ethiopia’s national polices, strategies and programs. The programme packages of rural development policy of the country were reviewed over the past three regimes. In September, the Heads of the UN’s three Rome-based food agencies visited drought-affect parts of Ethiopia where at least 8.5 million people were in need of food aid. It is similar to other efforts to develop physical capital as a means for economic growth… Rural Development, though, by definition is oriented more toward benefiting primarily the poor… It constitutes over 50% of the gross domestic product (GDP), accounts for over 85% of the labour force and earns over 90% of the foreign exchange [2]. 10.3 Land Policy. Agricultural productivity is being hampered by land degradation, poor water management, low technology usage and an underdeveloped marketing system, among other factors. Paper presented at the National workshop on food strategies for Ethiopia. community-driven development among pastoral groups; knowledge exchange through partnerships with the private sector, research institutions and other developing countries. By using this website, you agree to our Diriba Welteji. PubMed Google Scholar. Agriculture is the backbone of the Ethiopian economy. Policy makers and donor agencies have so far been emphasized the use of modem farm technologies as a sole source of agricultural growth in Ethiopia. 2014;32(S2):s197–213. The most prominent and enduring economy-wide strategy to guide development effort has been Agricultural-Led Industrialization (ADLI), the Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Program (SDPRP), Participatory and Accelerated Sustainable Development to Eradicate poverty (PASDEP) and successive growth and transformation plans (GTP I and II). Browse the Member States interactive platform. 1998;7(2):45–64. With 105 million inhabitants, Ethiopia is one of the most populous countries in the world. The post-1991 period is also marked with expansion of the development programmes [11]. The rural development in Ethiopia has a relatively longer history than many sub-Saharan African countries. Agricultural development in the rural areas of Ethiopia can facilitate greater national food security and allow for an increase in agricultural exports. The current government plan to meet that objective is to attract foreign investors to develop lands. The possible questions of this review are: Were the rural development policy packages of the country accessible to different segments of society? [5] However, the large-scale adoption of this model has been constrained by factors such as: the inability of the public and private sector research institutions to produce new and location-specific technical knowledge; the inability of the industrial sector to develop and produce new technical inputs; the weakness of the extension facilities and related institutions to diffuse the new techniques; the inadequacy of the infrastructure to facilitate the diffusion of the new inputs; the inability of peasant farmers to acquire new knowledge and use new inputs effectively; and lack of complementary inputs such as irrigation facilities which are needed to make fertilizers and modern varieties more effective [5]. Moreover, concerns shifted by large towards increasing productivity of smallholders to attain food self-sufficiency at national level through research-generated information and technologies, increasing the supply of industrial and export crops and ensuring the rehabilitation and conservation of natural resource base. Ethiopian smallholder farmers produce 90 to 95 per cent of the country’s agricultural output. Models of agricultural development. These strategies intend, among others, to attain food self-sufficiency at national level by increasing productivity of smallholders through research-generated information and technologies, increasing the supply of industrial and export crops and ensuring the rehabilitation and conservation of natural resource base with special consideration of package approach [8,9,10] (Table 1). Agricultural Production System in Ethiopia Agricultural production is dominated by smallholder households which produce more than 90% of agricultural output and cultivate more than 90% of the total cropped land. In September 2017, the heads of the UN food agencies - FAO, IFAD and WFP - travelled together to Ethiopia to assess how to work closer together to eradicate hunger and poverty. Most young people live in rural areas, where livelihood opportunities are increasingly scarce. The IFAD country programme has two main objectives: PLANNED Under design after concept note approval, APPROVED Approved by the Executive Board or IFAD President. However, the expected level was not achieved. Agricultural development policies of Ethiopia since 1957. Cahiers d'Economie et Sociologie Rurales, vol. Ethiopia is also one of the largest refugee-hosting countries in the world. The sector is dominated by small-scale farmers who practice rain-fed mixed farming by employing traditional technology, adopting a low-input and low-output production system. World Bank. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. The country loses about 2 billion tons of fertile soils annually to land degradation, and the siltation of water bodies is already a major threat to irrigation development. Ethiopia: Rural Development Policies, Trends, Changes & Continuities: Editor: Demessie Fantaye: Contributors: Kassahun Berhanu, Addis Ababa University. Welteji, D. A critical review of rural development policy of Ethiopia: access, utilization and coverage. A new investment programme is planned to support Sahelian governments through a partnership between the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and IFAD in order to boost climate finance for these rural populations. Review of the evolution of the Ethiopian rural development policy under different political systems reveals the significance of prevailing policies and development strategies on the contribution to agricultural development [7]. Center for African Development Policy Research 8-2007 Agricultural Research and Development in Ethiopia Efrem Bechere Texas Tech University ... impact on agricultural development in Ethiopia and discuss some challenges and opportunities that need to be addressed. agricultural and rural development: “Agricultural Development generally tries to raise agricultural production and productivity and is of a technical nature. The country loses about 2 billion tons of fertile soils annually to land degradation, and the siltation of water bodies is already a major threat to irrigation development. The Gamo people live in the highland area and primarily practice mixed agriculture and weaving. The country has experienced strong economic growth in recent years, and substantial progress has also been made in social and human development over the last decade. The 2015/16 El Niño induced drought had severe impact on agricultural production (crop and livestock), which left nearly 10 million people in need of food assistance. Agriculture & Food Security Tenure security is vital for a successful agricultural development, especially in a country like Ethiopia where 85% … Agricultural productivity is being hampered by land degradation, poor water management, low technology usage and an underdeveloped marketing system, among other factors. Agricultural extension in Ethiopia. 67. Discover how the Resilient Food Systems programme is enhancing long-term sustainability and resilience for food security in sub-Saharan Africa. They help them gain access to natural resources, technology, finance, institutional capacity and markets. In both rural and urban areas, many young people, particularly young women, are unemployed or working in the informal sector. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press; 1984. Ethiopian economy in the 1980s and framework for accelerated growth. Ethiopia’s Agriculture Sector Policy and Investment Framework (2010–2020) External Mid-term Review Mafa Chipeta, Bezabih Emana, and Demese Chanyalew October 2015 Secretariat of the Government of Ethiopia/Development Partners Sector Working Group The rate was higher than the 2.6% of growth in population [2]. In the economic sphere, markets were the driving forces in resource allocation. In the Chencha region of southern Ethiopia, erosion continues to be a pressing concern for the Gamo people, one of the main indigenous tribes of Ethiopia. Country strategic opportunities programme, South-south and triangular cooperation (SSTC), Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia, Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme, China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility, Climate and Commodity Hedging to Enable Transformation, Facility for Refugees, Migrants, Forced Displacement and Rural Stability, Insurance for Rural Resilience and Economic Development, International Aid Transparency Initiative, National Designated Authorities partnership platform, Platform for Agricultural Risk Management, Smallholder and Agri-SME Finance and Investment Network, Working Group on the Transition Framework, Working group on the Performance-based Allocation System, Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development. Of agricultural policy in Ethiopia a BaselIne Study in Fedis Awraja Fantu Cheru Bergen September. Reform: revisiting the public versus private ownership controversy extension system, national extension. 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