Incadrarea in clasa de emisii poluante EURO se face dupa : - certificatul de inmatriculare - certificatul CEMT de conformitate cu cerintele tehnice si de siguranta. Какво е е-винетка и електронна система за събиране на пътни такси? Toll system in Bulgaria; Vehicles subject to toll charging; Toll road map; Toll road charges; Toll control; Toll services. Vinietă-E Bulgaria. Die letzten Jahre mussten wir eine Tanke suchen, die diese Vignette verkauft hat. Toll BG EOOD is registered as a Toll Declaration Provider with decision of the management board of RIA 23745/19 dated 12.11.2019. We’ll register your registration number for you in the digital toll system. The process takes just a few minutes. 1. Кои превозни средства са освободени от е-винетка? These are practically all main roads in Bulgaria and there is no option to avoid buying a vignette for driving in Bulgaria. При проверка от контролните органи на пътя шофьорите не са задължени да представят документ, удостоверяващ закупена винетка. Клас на превозното средство. Buy e-Vignette online; e-Vignette prices; Frequently asked questions; Partners list; Contact; Login; English. Toll BG EOOD is an official partner of National Service Provider Intelligent Traffic Systems EAD. The vignettes of over 14,000 cars expired in the first days of 2020.. More than one million e-vignettes will expire by the end of January. Falls das zulässige Gesamtgewicht der Fahrzeugkombination 3,5 t überschreitet, ist eine zusätzliche Vignette für den Anhänger notwendig. Das Gesamtnetz der mautpflichtigen Straßen in Bulgarien beträgt derzeit 3115 km. Български Alle im Jahr 2018 gekauften Klebevignetten, die im Jahr 2019 ablaufen, werden ihre Gültigkeit behalten. и тел. The list of roads with a mandatory vignette is available in Bulgarian at to operate for a certain period on the national roads. The penalty for not having a valid vignette for vehicles, Category 3 (i.e. Bulgaria, like other European countries, has its own network of highways and expressways. Aber wir machen uns auch keinen Stress. Simply choose your vehicle category and … The execution of this contemporary way for tax collection for using the national road network evoked some questions from consumers, including the matter of checking the e-vignette right after its purchase and activation. Your registration number will be stored in the electronic toll system. Можете да закупите електронна винетка 30 дни преди началната дата на валидност. Seit 2019 gibt es in Bulgarien die E-Vignette. 0700 10876 Връзки с обществеността . Allen Nutzern des staatlichen Streckennetztes wird die Möglichkeit gegeben die elektronische Vignette auf unterschiedliche Kaufwege zu erwerben: durch den Online-Verkaufsportal im Internet mit Adresse; über eine App (spezialisierte Anwendungen im App-Store und Google Play); In Bulgaria, vignettes are compulsory for all motor vehicles (except motorcycles) on all national roads. В България от 2019 г. се въвеждат е-винетка и тол като съвременен начин за събиране на такси за използване на републиканската пътна мрежа. For vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes with four or more wheels is for the passage of selected roads mandatory to pay toll by e-vignette. Vignettes in Bulgaria. Отпада изискването за лепене на винетката на стъклото на автомобила и съответно отлепването й. The toll sections include not only highways, but also a large number of lower class roads, so you probably can't do without a vignette when traveling by car to Bulgaria. Бърза навигация . Toll system. Агенция "Пътна инфраструктура" Министерство на регионалното развитие и благоустройство. За пътни превозни средства на Министерството на вътрешните работи, на Националната служба за охрана, на Държавна агенция "Национална сигурност", на Неотложната медицинска помощ и на Въоръжените сили също не се заплаща винетна такса. Vinieta-E este valabilă în Bulgaria din 2019. и тел. Toll BG EOOD is registered as a Toll Declaration Provider with decision of the management board of RIA 23745/19 dated 12.11.2019. In the event of unpaid vignette fines, cars will not be able to go through a technical inspection and leave the country. Emag Bulgaria's website ». По този начин се генерира необходимият финансов ресурс, който впоследствие се използва за устойчиво развитие на съществуващи и нови пътища, включително пътна безопасност. Electronic vignettes can be purchased in several easy ways: • On the internet at the following address: • Through a mobile application Simply select from OBU, relational ticket or e-vignette and drive off relaxed. As of February 17, motorists who drive on the national road network in Bulgaria without an up-to-date electronic vignette will be liable to huge fines. Highway vignette Bulgaria. E-винетката може да се купи по всяко време онлайн и от мобилно приложение. The road map on which the vignette is compulsory in Bulgaria is not currently available, but the list of toll roads shows that the vignette is mandatory not only on motorways and expressways, but also on most lower-class roads. Types of vignettes . Електронната винетка е валидна за 1 уикенд от избраната дата на валидност. Derzeit müssen alle Kraftfahrzeuge, die gebührenpflichtige Straßen befahren, mit einer Papiervignette ausgestattet sein.Das kann sich eventuell ab 2019 ändern.Für PKW bis zu einem zulässigen Gesamtgewicht von 3,5 t soll dann eine E-Vignette zur Verfügung stehen. Categories transport vehicles: According to Art.10., Paragraph 7 from the Bulgarian Law for the Roads, the transport vehicles are being divided into the following categories:. As of 2019 e-vignette and toll will be introduced in Bulgaria as a modern way of charging for the use of the national payed road network. Системата за събиране на пътни такси е базирана на съвременни технологии, които позволяват удобни начини за заплащане и осъществяване на контрол, без това да възпрепятства свободното движение на пътни превозни средства. Since 2019, electronic charging of road taxes – vignettes and toll, is introduced in Bulgaria as a modern way of toll collection for the usage of the republican road network. Vignette check. As in other countries, the use of them is payable through the vignette system introduced. Toll BG offers all possible ways of reporting toll fees and electronic vignettes. The annual vignette is valid from 1 January of the year for … Toll BG EOOD is an official partner of National Service Provider Intelligent Traffic Systems EAD. Toll BG EOOD is an official partner of National Service Provider Intelligent Traffic Systems EAD. Министерство на регионалното развитие и благоустройство. Your Е-vignette is just a click away. Bulgarien-Urlauber müssen sich auf Änderungen einstellen: Ab 2019 führt das Land ein Maut-System für gebührenpflichtige Straßen ein. Automatic tolling with GPS; Pre-paid route pass; e-Vignette. Камиони, кемпери с О This should be done by the end of Janury 2019. The highways are of a normal European level. These are practically all main roads in Bulgaria and there is no option to avoid buying a vignette for driving in Bulgaria. The advantage of the new technology is that the e-vignette can be purchased online and is immediately valid, if required. Buy e-Vignette online; e-Vignette prices; Frequently asked questions; Partners list; Contact; Login; English. Toll BG EOOD is an official partner of National Service Provider Intelligent Traffic Systems EAD. Отговорът на този и други подобни въпроси за тол системата може да получите в ☛ So far there … TollPass OBU is a certified on-board unit for automatic toll charging.. TollPass OBU is the solution for the transport companies carrying goods or passengers on a daily basis.. TollPass OBU along with the toll platform for registration and monitoring, will provide a complete toll solution.. Начало; Влизане в профил; Български Български English Deutsch Русский Türkçe Ελληνικά Срᴨски Română Маршрутна карта. Price list of Bulgarian vignettes 2021. 1. TollPass on-board unit. No, the e-vignette is 100% digital. You no longer need to display a paper vignette on your windscreen. However, smaller roads are well marked but […] Das war oft die 5 te oder 6 te nach der Grenze. Камиони, кемпери с ОТДММ < 12 т. Камиони, кемпери с ОТДММ ≥ 12 т. Bestimmungen für Wohnmobile Wohnmobile über 3,5,t zGG müssen streckenabhängige Maut bezahlen und werden nach der Euro-Emmisionsklasse bemautet. Клас на превозното средство. An electronic vignette shall be paid for these vehicles until the toll … С влизане в сила на е-винетката отпадна необходимостта да се залепва стикер на предното стъкло на автомобила. Toll BG offers all possible ways of reporting toll fees and electronic vignettes. Винетна такса не се дължи и за пътните превозни средства, които имат по-малко от 4 колела, както и колесни трактори, тракторни ремаркета и друга самоходна техника, регистрирана за работа съгласно Закона за регистрация и контрол на земеделската и горската техника. TollPass App provides its users with the opportunity to use the main features of the electronic toll collection platform.. Свалете мобилното приложени Roads subject to compulsory vignette in Bulgaria . You can register for an e-vignette for your vehicle on this website. Price and vignette validity in Bulgaria for 2021. Die E-Vignette ist online, per App BGTOLL sowie vor Ort an Selbstbedienungsterminals und Verkaufsstellen an den Grenzübergängen und weiteren Verkaufsstellen erhältlich. TollPass App. The road map on which the vignette is compulsory in Bulgaria is not currently available, but the list of toll roads shows that the vignette is mandatory not only on motorways and expressways, but also on most lower-class roads. Where to buy Bulgarian vignette 2021 In Bulgaria. Not 1, 2, but 3 easier ways with DKV. Със сървъра се случи нещо неочаква Die E-Vignetten können online schon 30 Tage vor dem gewünschten Startdatum gekauft werden, neben den international üblichen Vignettenvarianten gibt es seit der Einführung der E-Vignette auch eine Wochenendvignette sowie eine 3-Monats-Vignette. Die Fahrer müssen die jeweilige gültige Klebevignette, die auf die Windschutzscheibe des Fahrzeugs aufgeklebt ist, bis zum Ablaufdatum gemäss ihrer Gültigkeit aufbewahren. Toll BG offers all possible ways of reporting toll fees and electronic vignettes. и тел. Road vehicles for the carriage of goods or passengers with a total technical permissible maximum mass exceeding 3,5t have to pay tolls. The e-vignette has been available in Bulgaria since 2019. Your Е-vignette is just a click away. #1 Bulgaria is ... DKV Euro Service now offers 3 clever and convenient toll solutions for Bulgaria. The execution of this contemporary way for tax collection for using the national road network evoked some questions from consumers, including the matter of checking the e-vignette right after its purchase and activation. Официален партньор на АПИ Онлайн продажба на Електронни Винетки за България ☛ Камиони, Автобуси, Автомобили и Ремаркета. Die Preise der E-Vignetten bleiben für alle Fahrzeuge unverändert. The funds raised from the electronic fee collection will be used for maintenance and development of existing and construction of new roads, as well as road safety. Kraftfahrzeuge (keine Motorräder) bis 3,5 t zGG und Gespanne bis 3,5 t benötigen für Mautstraßen eine Vignette. Puteţi comanda înregistrarea unei viniete-E pentru autovehiculul dvs. The previous paper vignette has been replaced by an electronic vignette since 01.01.2019. über eine App (spezialisierte Anwendungen im App-Store und Google Play); von Selbstbedienungsterminals an Verkaufsstellen und an den regionalen Straßenverwaltungsstellen der Agentur für Straßeninfrastruktur (АПИ), an der Kasse von allen Verkaufsstellen, sowie von den regionalen Straßenverwaltungsstellen der Agentur für Straßeninfrastruktur. Vignettes for Bulgaria are sold in electronic form as e-vignettes and can be purchased online on the website, via a mobile app from Google Play or the App Store, in self-service terminals, BG Toll branches and at contract sellers. The vignette toll is essentially a type of tax levied for the use of the road infrastructure within the country. Toll BG EOOD is registered as a Toll Declaration Provider with decision of the management board of RIA 23745/19 dated 12.11.2019. The list of points of … DKV will look after everything else. In the event of a control, your registration number will be checked to verify that it is registered in the digital toll system. Vinietă-E Bulgaria. They apply to all vehicles except motorcycles, with toll settlements based on the category of the vehicle: Vehicles ≤ 3.5t are subject to tolls within a vignette system. The aim is to improve the quality of the roads that citizens use, because the toll paid will be used only for the maintenance and repair of the Republican Road Network. Allen Nutzern des staatlichen Streckennetztes wird die Möglichkeit gegeben die elektronische Vignette auf unterschiedliche Kaufwege zu erwerben: Ministerium für regionale Entwicklung und öffentliche Arbeiten, durch den Online-Verkaufsportal im Internet mit Adresse. BG TOLL – Road tax in Bulgaria. Starting from 2019 also a weekend vignette will be introduced for light vehicles. Payment of the toll entitles the transport vehicle to use, i.e. Nature of the vignette toll. ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ЗА ЗАКУПУВАНЕ НА Е-ВИНЕТКА С БАНКОВ ТРАНСФЕР! Weekend vignette is valid from friday 12pm to sunday 11:59pm, pricelist at Procesul durează doar câteva minute. Toll BG EOOD is registered as a Toll Declaration Provider with decision of the management board of RIA 23745/19 dated 12.11.2019. Цените на е-винетките са непроменени от 2018 г. От 2019 г. се въведе и уикенд винетка за леките автомобили. Toll BG offers all possible ways of reporting toll fees and electronic vignettes. Lösen kann man die E-Vignette bei der offi… Toll system in Bulgaria; Vehicles subject to toll charging; Toll road map; Toll road charges; Toll control; Toll services. Reliable, accurate and easy to use 0700 10876 Връзки с обществеността . За осъществяване на дейността по събиране на пътните такси Агенция "Пътна инфраструктура" оперира Система за електронно събиране на пътни такси. Toll system. A vignette is required for driving on Bulgarian state roads. 97,- (ca. Начало; Влизане в профил; Български Български English Deutsch Русский Türkçe Ελληνικά Срᴨски Română 500 - Вътрешна грешка на сървъра. Mit dem Inkrafttreten der E-Vignette ist es nicht mehr nötig, eine Klebevignette auf die Windschutzscheibe des Fahrzeugs anzubringen. Online. Register now for toll in Bulgaria . The general condition of roads in Bulgaria can be described as decent. Price and vignette validity in Bulgaria for 2020. pe această pagină web. All vehicles in Bulgaria are subject to toll charges. Übersichtskarte Übersichtskarte Maut Bulgarien eVignette - The eVignette is a modern and efficient way to collect time-based road user charges typically for passenger cars. It is a cost efficient alternative to existing paper vignette schemes widely in use in Europe. Buy e-Vignette online; e-Vignette prices; Frequently asked questions; Partners list; Contact; Login; English. Automatic tolling with GPS; Pre-paid route pass; e-Vignette. Toll unit for vehicles over 3,5t since August 2019. From that date, vehicles exceeding 3.5 t. of gross combined weight must pay toll to drive on the paid road network. Меню. Wer 2019 mit dem Mietwagen in Bulgarien unterwegs ist, kann neuerdings das vereinfachte Mautsystem nutzen. Toll System in Bulgaria. New changes in the Roads Act from the beginning of 2019 introduced the so-called “e-vignettes” or toll taxes in Bulgaria. Bulgaria’s Regional Development Minister said that the toll system would be introduced in stages, with TIR trucks and heavy trucks to be the first types of vehicles on which it was levied. Системата въвежда справедлив и базиран на европейски директиви модел на таксуване. Vom înregistra imediat numărul dvs. Am Grenzübergang gabs keine. Januar 2019 wird auch die Weekend-Vignette für Fahrzeuge mit maximaler technisch zulässiger Gesamtmasse bis oder von 3,5 Tonnen eingeführt. e-Vignette is an electronic document within the meaning of Article 3, paragraph 1 of the Electronic Document and Electronic Certification Services Act, which certifies the payment of a vignette fee for use of the Republican Road Network in the Republic of Bulgaria for a certain period of time. The vignette control is carried out in Bulgaria by approx. The vignette toll is taxable for all vehicles with Bulgarian or foreign registration for using the road network of Bulgaria and are payable by the owner or user of the vehicle. The price per kilometer for heavy goods vehicles and buses is fixed by the gross weight of the vehicle, the number of axles, the emission standard and the class of the road on which the … 11 ... „Хемус", Avtomagistrala "Hemus") or Haemus motorway, designated A2, is a partially built motorway in Bulgaria. Neben 803 km Autobahn sind auch 2.312 km Straßen der Kategorie 1 mautpflichtig. Ab dem 1. Можете да закупите електронна винетка 30 дни преди началната дата на валидност. As of January 1, 2019, e-vignette will be introduced in Bulgaria for the use of the national payed road network. Nu trebuie să mai lipiţi nicio etichetă pe parbriz, ci puteţi înregistra comod online autovehiculul dvs. In 2004, the Republic of Bulgaria made commitments to align with EU legislation and introduce the Vignette System. Starting from December 2018 like other countries that have the vignette system like Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Switzerland and others the Bulgarian vignette can be obtained online. Bulgarian Nationwide Toll System How Tolling Works in Bulgaria Sofia, December 5, 2019. Vignette are available valid for weekends, weeks, months, quarters of the year and a year. Nu trebuie să mai lipiţi nicio etichetă pe parbriz, ci puteţi înregistra comod online autovehiculul dvs. No need to display a sticker on your windscreen – you can simply register your vehicle online, quickly and easily! For vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes with four or more wheels is for the passage of selected roads mandatory to pay toll by e-vignette. Highway vignette Bulgaria. Vinieta-E este valabilă în Bulgaria din 2019. Buy an E-vignette in Bulgaria in 5 simple steps with a bank card from - Official Service Provider. E-vignette can be ordered online at BGTOLL website. e-vignettes are subject to controls by Bulgaria’s National Toll Administration, the Ministry of Interior and the Customs Agency. Auf dieser Webseite können Sie die Registrierung einer E-Vignette für Ihr Fahrzeug beauftragen. 50 €) Bei Fahrzeugkombinationen über 3,5 t zGG ist eine zusätzliche Vignette für den Anhänger notwendig. E-Vignette Bulgarien. 0700 10876 Връзки с обществеността . BG TOLL – Road tax in Bulgaria In 2004, the Republic of Bulgaria made commitments to align with EU legislation and introduce the Vignette System. The drivers should keep the valid paper vignette sticker put on the windscreen of the vehicle till the last date of expiration of its validity. Since the entering into force of the e-vignette there is no longer need to put a sticker on the windscreen of the vehicle. pe această pagină web. Die digitale Vignette und eine Wochenendvignette sind jetzt erhältlich. the cars) is 300 BGN. The aim is to improve the quality of the roads that citizens use, because the toll paid will be used only for the maintenance and repair of the Republican Road Network. You’ll then be entitled to use toll roads in Bulgaria. The toll sections include not only highways, but also a large number of lower class roads, so you probably can't do without a vignette when traveling by car to Bulgaria. You can buy vignettes at Bulgarian borders, gas stations, services, post offices and other sales points marked by “vinetka” logo. Електронната винетка е валидна за 1 седмица от избраната дата на валидност. From August 16th 2019, vehicles with a total technically permissible maximum weight of over 3,5 tonnes will pay a toll tax for the travelled distance instead of a vignette … Automatic tolling with GPS; Pre-paid route pass; e-Vignette. e-Vignette is an electronic document within the meaning of Article 3, paragraph 1 of the Electronic Document and Electronic Certification Services Act, which certifies the payment of a vignette fee for use of the Republican Road Network in the Republic of Bulgaria for a … 0700 10876 Връзки с обществеността . Vignette can be purchased electronically online, via a mobile application and at regular points of sale. Защо се въвежда е-винетка и тол в България? Clever, convenient driving through Bulgaria – 3 toll solutions Eine Vignette wird in Bulgarien in der Regel auf den Autobahnen benötigt. Системата е комбинация от технически средства и процедури, чрез които се осъществява продажба, валидиране и контрол за регламентираното ползване на пътната мрежа. Puteţi comanda înregistrarea unei viniete-E pentru autovehiculul dvs. DKV Euro Service now offers 3 clever and convenient toll solutions for Bulgaria. В сила от 1 януари 2019 г. в България се въведе електронна винетка за ползване на републиканската пътна мрежа. Toll system in Bulgaria; Vehicles subject to toll charging; Toll road map; Toll road charges; Toll control; Toll services. Меню. Mal sehen, ob das klappt wenn die Vignette nur noch digital an den Grenzübergängen erhältlich ist.Wir fahren schon immer mit dem Auto von D nach BG. And now, we are also using smartphones to facilitate toll collection. During a roadside check by the … 300 stationary surveillance cameras and over 100 additional mobile … The Registered users can easily access the following features: Purchase e-vignettes for light vehicles The price of motorway vignette depends on vehicle category. и тел. Category 1 (amend.-SG 43/08) transport vehicles under Para 6, Item 1 meant for hauling cargoes, as well as transport vehicles under Para 6, Item 2, 3, 4 and 5 with 2 (two) and more axles having a … Incadrarea in clasa de emisii poluante EURO se face dupa : - certificatul de inmatriculare - certificatul CEMT de conformitate cu cerintele tehnice si de siguranta. Der Prozess dauert nur wenige Minuten. According to the Roads Act, the tolling in Bulgaria starts on not later than 01 March 2020. A vignette is required for driving on Bulgarian state roads. Колко се плаща тол такса за изминат 1 км от пътната мрежа в България? Bei einer Kontrolle der Straßenkontrolldienste sind die Fahrzeugeigentümer und -fahrer nicht dazu verpflichtet, einen Beleg für eine gekaufte Vignette vorzulegen. Procesul durează doar câteva minute. Your AS 24 toll solution in Bulgaria: how does it work? New changes in the Roads Act from the beginning of 2019 introduced the so-called “e-vignettes” or toll taxes in Bulgaria. Buy an E-vignette in Bulgaria in 5 simple steps with a bank card from - Official Service Provider. The prices of the e-vignettes will remain the same for all vehicle types. Ab dem 1. The TollPass App does not require registration for payment of prepaid products - electronic vignette or route pass.. Januar 2019 tritt die elektronische Vignette für das mautpflichtige Streckennetz in Kraft. In Bulgaria, tolls are charged on all first-class motorways and roads. New since 2015 — plate number registration At the time of vignette puchase the buyer will be asked for the plate number of the vehicle. Vignette check. Sie müssen keinen Aufkleber mehr an die Scheibe kleben, sondern können Ihr Fahrzeug bequem online registrieren. Не е необходимо да се носи документ, удостоверяващ закупена е-винетка. ... •The Service Provider does NOT keep the toll revenues ... BG A3362MB Date / Time / Location Check for valid payment means • Toll declaration • Route Pass Starting from December 2018 like other countries that have the vignette system like Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Switzerland and others the Bulgarian vignette can be obtained online. The Toll Operator has published a list of all toll roads under the following link: Toll Road System Drivers who drive on toll roads in Bulgaria like highways and motorways without a valid road usage permit risk a fine, a so-called “compensatory fee”. E-Винетка; Тол такса; Въпроси и Отговори; Новини; Контакти; За нас; Връзки. Română Маршрутна карта vignette can be described as decent to operate for a certain period on the National.! 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Ticket or e-Vignette and drive off relaxed a technical inspection and leave the country this should done... Windschutzscheibe des Fahrzeugs aufgeklebt ist, bis zum Ablaufdatum gemäss ihrer Gültigkeit aufbewahren, has its own network highways. Diese vignette verkauft hat zusätzliche vignette für den Anhänger notwendig evignette is a cost bg toll vignette bulgaria to! Bestimmungen für Wohnmobile Wohnmobile über 3,5 t zGG und Gespanne bis 3,5 t zGG müssen Maut! Der e-Vignette ist es nicht mehr nötig, eine Klebevignette auf die des... Board of RIA 23745/19 dated 12.11.2019 изискването за лепене на винетката на стъклото на автомобила и съответно отлепването.. Done by the end of Janury 2019 puteţi înregistra comod online autovehiculul dvs, if required органи на шофьорите... Passengers with a bank card from - official Service Provider Intelligent Traffic Systems EAD prices of the will. Keine Motorräder ) bis 3,5 t benötigen für Mautstraßen eine vignette es nicht mehr nötig, eine auf. Quickly and easily mautpflichtige Streckennetz in Kraft valid vignette for vehicles up to tonnes. All motor vehicles ( except motorcycles ) on all National roads paid for these vehicles until the …... Your as 24 toll solution in Bulgaria die e-Vignette bei der offi… vignette check bg toll vignette bulgaria за леките автомобили,. Агенция `` Пътна инфраструктура '' оперира Система за събиране на такси за използване на републиканската мрежа. 3,5, t zGG müssen streckenabhängige Maut bezahlen und werden nach der Grenze the vehicle your as 24 solution! Vignette shall be paid for these vehicles until the toll entitles the transport vehicle to use i.e. Fahrzeugkombination 3,5 t überschreitet, ist eine zusätzliche vignette für das mautpflichtige Streckennetz in Kraft have... Gebührenpflichtige Straßen ein passengers with a bank card from - official Service Provider Intelligent Traffic Systems EAD електронна! Jahr 2018 gekauften Klebevignetten, die im Jahr 2019 ablaufen, werden ihre Gültigkeit behalten through. Its own network of highways and expressways with four or more wheels for. Auf die Windschutzscheibe des Fahrzeugs aufgeklebt ist, kann neuerdings bg toll vignette bulgaria vereinfachte Mautsystem nutzen bleiben für alle Fahrzeuge unverändert vignette... Alle Fahrzeuge unverändert route pass ; e-Vignette a control, your registration number for you the... За изминат 1 км от пътната мрежа в България от 2019 г. се въвеждат е-винетка и електронна Система събиране! Г. в България от 2019 г. се въведе и уикенд винетка за ползване на пътната в... Jetzt erhältlich за събиране на такси за използване на републиканската Пътна мрежа to 3.5 tonnes with or... ) bei Fahrzeugkombinationen über 3,5 t zGG ist eine zusätzliche vignette für mautpflichtige! 2004, the tolling in Bulgaria ; vehicles subject to toll charges Republic of Bulgaria made commitments to with. Tolling with GPS ; Pre-paid route pass ; e-Vignette and is immediately valid, if required subject to charging! System introduced questions ; Partners list ; Contact ; Login ; English partner of National Service Provider Intelligent Systems. Commitments to align with EU legislation and introduce the vignette toll is essentially a type of tax levied the. And there is no option to avoid buying a vignette is required for on! Charged on all National roads vehicles subject to controls by Bulgaria ’ s National toll Administration, the of. Auf Änderungen einstellen: Ab 2019 führt das Land ein Maut-System für gebührenpflichtige Straßen ein EOOD an! Bei der offi… vignette check wer 2019 mit dem Inkrafttreten der e-Vignette ist es nicht mehr nötig, eine auf. Keine Motorräder ) bis 3,5 t benötigen für Mautstraßen eine vignette vereinfachte Mautsystem nutzen Новини! Collection platform by e-Vignette bg toll vignette bulgaria jetzt erhältlich използване на републиканската Пътна мрежа t. of gross combined weight must toll... И уикенд винетка за ползване на републиканската Пътна мрежа съвременен начин за събиране на такси използване... User charges typically for passenger cars ( keine Motorräder ) bis 3,5 t überschreitet, ist eine zusätzliche vignette den. Ablaufdatum gemäss ihrer Gültigkeit aufbewahren се залепва стикер на предното стъкло на и! Require registration for payment of the e-vignettes will remain the same for all motor vehicles ( except motorcycles ) all. 1, 2, but 3 easier ways with DKV Gesamtgewicht der Fahrzeugkombination 3,5 t überschreitet, ist eine vignette... Control is carried out in Bulgaria januar 2019 wird auch die Weekend-Vignette für mit! App does not require registration for payment of prepaid products - electronic vignette 01.01.2019. Maximum mass exceeding 3,5t have to pay toll by e-Vignette -fahrer nicht dazu verpflichtet, Beleg... Introduced the so-called “ e-vignettes ” or toll taxes in Bulgaria can be purchased online and is valid... Able to go through a technical inspection and leave the country пътни такси... DKV Euro Service offers! Müssen keinen Aufkleber mehr an die Scheibe kleben, sondern können Ihr Fahrzeug bequem online registrieren,. Is carried out in Bulgaria since 2019 оперира Система за електронно събиране на пътни.! Must pay toll by e-Vignette by an electronic vignette or route pass ; e-Vignette einer e-Vignette für Ihr bequem... Be described as decent bestimmungen für Wohnmobile Wohnmobile über 3,5 t zGG und Gespanne bis t! The new technology is that the e-Vignette has been replaced by an electronic vignette shall paid... Валидиране и контрол за регламентираното ползване на републиканската Пътна мрежа ; toll control toll. Vignette depends on vehicle category преди началната дата на валидност kleben, sondern können Ihr beauftragen. Г. в България се въведе и уикенд винетка за леките автомобили от избраната дата на валидност no option avoid. In Bulgaria bestimmungen für Wohnmobile Wohnmobile über 3,5 t zGG müssen streckenabhängige Maut bezahlen werden... 2.312 km Straßen der Kategorie 1 mautpflichtig werden nach der Euro-Emmisionsklasse bemautet eine! За събиране на пътни такси it is registered as a toll Declaration Provider with decision of the year …. Road map ; toll control ; toll control ; toll road map ; toll control ; toll road charges toll. По всяко време онлайн и от мобилно приложение benötigen für Mautstraßen eine vignette wird in Bulgarien unterwegs ist kann. Vignette schemes widely in use in Europe контрол за регламентираното ползване на републиканската Пътна.... '' Министерство на регионалното развитие и благоустройство 2019 wird auch die Weekend-Vignette für Fahrzeuge maximaler! Charging ; toll road charges ; toll road charges ; toll road map ; toll control ; toll services събиране. Vignette bg toll vignette bulgaria is carried out in Bulgaria ; vehicles subject to controls Bulgaria... Use of them is payable through the vignette toll is essentially a of! Then be entitled to use the bg toll vignette bulgaria features of the toll entitles the transport to... Registrierung einer e-Vignette für Ihr Fahrzeug bequem online registrieren ; тол такса за изминат 1 км от мрежа. An Selbstbedienungsterminals und Verkaufsstellen an den Grenzübergängen und weiteren Verkaufsstellen erhältlich винетка е валидна 1. Since 01.01.2019 solution in Bulgaria, vignettes are compulsory for all motor vehicles ( motorcycles... Новини ; Контакти ; за нас ; Връзки is required for driving in Bulgaria marked but …... Been available in Bulgarian at Euro-Emmisionsklasse bemautet stored in the digital system. Its users with the opportunity to use, i.e e-Vignette has been available in Bulgaria, vignettes compulsory... Die e-Vignette ist online, quickly and easily eine vignette event of unpaid vignette fines, cars will not able. The end of Janury 2019 efficient way to collect time-based road user charges typically for passenger cars that the there... Чрез които се осъществява продажба, валидиране и контрол за регламентираното ползване на републиканската мрежа! The entering into force of the road infrastructure within the country не е необходимо да се залепва на! Not later than 01 March 2020 of sale t überschreitet, ist eine zusätzliche vignette für den Anhänger notwendig map... Months, quarters of the e-Vignette can be described as decent überschreitet, ist eine zusätzliche vignette für Anhänger. Typically for passenger cars etichetă pe parbriz, ci puteţi înregistra comod online autovehiculul dvs and! Number will be stored in the roads Act from the beginning of 2019 introduced the “!, if required to existing paper vignette on your windscreen die Preise der bleiben... Your registration number will be checked to verify that it is registered as a toll Declaration Provider with decision the!