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Zheng Zhang and Liang Zhao. We expect 60-70 participants. Submissions should be formatted using the AAAI-2022 Author Kit. This workshop aims to provide a premier interdisciplinary forum for researchers in different communities to discuss the most recent trends, innovations, applications, and challenges of optimal transport and structured data modeling. Submissions will be peer-reviewed, single-blinded, and assessed based on their novelty, technical quality, significance, clarity, and relevance regarding the workshop topics. The 19th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2019), long paper, (acceptance rate: 9.08%), Beijing, China. Algorithms for secure and privacy-aware machine learning for AI. The biomedical space has seen a flurry of activity recently, and cyber criminals have amplified their efforts with health-related phishing attacks, spreading misinformation, and intruding into health infrastructure. Industry-wide reports highlight large-scale remediation efforts to fix the failures and performance issues. Recent years have witnessed growing interest in human and AI systems with the increasing realisation that machines can indeed meet objectives specified but the real question becomes have they been given the right objectives. ETA (expected time-of-arrival) prediction. Declarative languages and differentiable programming. The 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2022) (Acceptance Rate: 14.99%), accepted, 2022. How can we make AI-based systems more ethically aligned? The academic session will focus on most recent research developments on GNNs in various application domains. Interpretable Molecular Graph Generation via Monotonic Constraints. of London). We invite submissions to the AAAI-22 workshop on Graphs and more Complex structures for Learning and Reasoning to be held virtually on February 28 or March 1, 2022. As a result, many AI/ML systems faced serious performance challenges and failures. . Some existing research also presents that there is a trade-off between the robustness and accuracy of deep learning models. Dr. Emotion: Disentangled Representation Learning for Emotion Analysis on Social Media to Improve Community Resilience in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond. Advances in AI technology, particularly perception and planning, have enabled unprecedented advances in autonomy, with autonomous systems playing an increasingly important role in day-to-day lives, with applications including IoT, drones, and autonomous vehicles. Furthermore, DNNs are data greedy in the context of supervised learning, and not well developed for limited label learning, for instance for semi-supervised learning, self-supervised learning, or unsupervised learning. The submissions need to be anonymized. in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2015), regular paper (acceptance rate: 8.4%), Atlantic City, NJ, pp. Cyber systems generate large volumes of data, utilizing this effectively is beyond human capabilities. It is important to learn how to use AI effectively in these areas in order to be able to motivate and help people to take actions that maximize their welfare. The workshop will be a one-day meeting and will include a number of technical sessions, a virtual poster session where presenters can discuss their work, with the aim of further fostering collaborations, multiple invited speakers covering crucial challenges for the field of privacy-preserving AI applications, including policy and societal impacts, a tutorial talk, and will conclude with a panel discussion. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: Acronyms, i.e., short forms of long phrases, are common in scientific writing. The main interest of the proposed workshop is to look at a new perspective of system engineering where multiple disciplines such as AI and safety engineering are viewed as a larger whole, while considering ethical and legal issues, in order to build trustable intelligent autonomy. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) begins to impact our everyday lives, industry, government, and society with tangible consequences, it becomes increasingly important for a user to understand the reasons and models underlying an AI-enabled systems decisions and recommendations. It will include multiple keynote speakers, invited talks, a panel discussion, and two poster sessions for the accepted papers. In the financial services industry particularly, a large amount of financial analysts work requires knowledge discovery and extraction from different data sources, such as SEC filings and industry reports, etc., before they can conduct any analysis. We invite paper submission on the following (and related) topics: The workshop will be a 1 day meeting comprising several invited talks from distinguished researchers in the field, spotlight lightning talks and a poster session where contributing paper presenters can discuss their work, and a concluding panel discussion focusing on future directions. System reports will be presented during poster sessions. Autonomous vehicles can share their detected information (e.g., traffic signs, collision events, etc.) Although textual data is prevalent in a large amount of finance-related business problems, we also encourage submissions of studies or applications pertinent to finance using other types of unstructured data such as financial transactions, sensors, mobile devices, satellites, social media, etc. 2022. We invite the submission of papers with 4-6 pages. All the workshop chairs, most of the Committees, and the authors of the accepted papers will attend the workshop also. ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS), accepted. Examples of the datasets which may be considered are the DBTex Radiology Mammogram dataset and the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 case reports. Attendance is virtual and open to all. This has created a strong demand for transcript understanding. Novel AI-based techniques to improve modeling of engineering systems. [slides] The submission website is We welcome the submissions in the following two formats: The submissions should adhere to theAAAI paper guidelines. However, the quality of audio and video content shared online and the nature of speech and video transcripts pose many challenges to the existing natural language processing. There is a need for the research community to develop novel solutions for these practical issues. [materials]. Causal inference is one of the main areas of focus in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) communities. The 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2023), accepted. Submission site:, Ali Etemad (Queens University,, Ali Etemad (Queens University,, Ahmad Beirami (Facebook AI,, Akane Sano (Rice University,, Aaqib Saeed (Philips Research & University of Cambridge,, Alireza Sepas-Moghaddam (Socure,, Mathilde Caron (Inria & Facebook AI,, Pritam Sarkar (Queens University & Vector Institute,, Huiyuan Yang (Rice University,, Supplemental website: A Report on the First Workshop on Document Intelligence (DI) at NeurIPS 2019. Negar Etemadyrad, Yuyang Gao, Qingzhe Li, Xiaojie Guo, Frank Krueger, Qixiang Lin, Deqiang Qiu, and Liang Zhao. Registration Opens: Feb 02 '22 02:00 PM UTC: Registration Cancellation Refund Deadline: Apr 18 '22(Anywhere on Earth) Paper Submissions Abstract Submission Deadline: Sep 29 '21 12:00 AM UTC: Paper Submission deadline: Oct 06 '21 12:00 AM . Liang Zhao, Qian Sun, Jieping Ye, Feng Chen, Chang-Tien Lu, and Naren Ramakrishnan. Short or position papers of up to 4 pages are also welcome. Negar Etemadyrad, Qingzhe Li, Liang Zhao. "Knowledge-enhanced Neural Machine Reasoning: A Review." With this in mind, we welcome relevant contributions on the following (and related) topic areas: The submissions must be in PDF format, written in English, and formatted according to the AAAI camera-ready style. Lingfei Wu, Ian En-Hsu Yen, Zhen Zhang, Kun Xu, Liang Zhao, Xi Peng, Yinglong Xia and Charu Aggarwal, "Scalable Global Alignment Graph Kernel Using Random Features: From Node Embedding to Graph Embedding", In the Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2019), research track (acceptance rate: 14.2%), accepted, Alaska, USA, Aug 2019. This workshop brings together researchers from diverse backgrounds with different perspectives to discuss languages, formalisms and representations that are appropriate for combining learning and reasoning. Award for Artificial Intelligence for the Benefit of Humanity, Patrick Henry Winston Outstanding Educator Award, A Report to ARPA on Twenty-First Century Intelligent Systems, The Role of Intelligent Systems in the National Information Infrastructure, Code of Conduct for Conferences and Events, Request to Reproduce Copyrighted Materials, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, W1: Adversarial Machine Learning and Beyond, W2: AI for Agriculture and Food Systems (AIAFS), W6: AI in Financial Services: Adaptiveness, Resilience & Governance, W7: AI to Accelerate Science and Engineering (AI2ASE), W8: AI-Based Design and Manufacturing (ADAM) (Half-Day), W9: Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security (AICS)(2-Day), W10: Artificial Intelligence for Education (AI4EDU), W11: Artificial Intelligence Safety (SafeAI 2022)(1.5-Day), W12: Artificial Intelligence with Biased or Scarce Data, W13: Combining Learning and Reasoning: Programming Languages, Formalisms, and Representations (CLeaR), W14: Deep Learning on Graphs: Methods and Applications (DLG-AAAI22), W15: DE-FACTIFY :Multi-Modal Fake News and Hate-Speech Detection, W16: Dialog System Technology Challenge (DSTC10), W17: Engineering Dependable and Secure Machine Learning Systems (EDSMLS 2022) (Half-Day), W18: Explainable Agency in Artificial Intelligence, W19: Graphs and More Complex Structures for Learning and Reasoning (GCLR), W21: Human-Centric Self-Supervised Learning (HC-SSL), W22: Information-Theoretic Methods for Causal Inference and Discovery (ITCI22), W23: Information Theory for Deep Learning (IT4DL), W25: Knowledge Discovery from Unstructured Data in Financial Services (Half-Day), W26: Learning Network Architecture during Training, W27: Machine Learning for Operations Research (ML4OR) (Half-Day), W28: Optimal Transport and Structured Data Modeling (OTSDM), W29: Practical Deep Learning in the Wild (PracticalDL2022), W30: Privacy-Preserving Artificial Intelligence, W31: Reinforcement Learning for Education: Opportunities and Challenges, W32: Reinforcement Learning in Games (RLG), W33: Robust Artificial Intelligence System Assurance (RAISA) (Half-Day), W34: Scientific Document Understanding (SDU) (Half-Day), W35: Self-Supervised Learning for Audio and Speech Processing, W36: Trustable, Verifiable and Auditable Federated Learning, W38: Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Engineering (TRASE-22), W39: Video Transcript Understanding (Half-Day),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Learning Network Architecture During Training,,,,,,,,,,,,, Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI-22), Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-22). AI for infrastructure management and congestion. All these changes require novel solutions, and the AI community is well-positioned to provide both theoretical- and application-based methods and frameworks. Martin Michalowski, PhD, FAMIA (Co-chair), University of Minnesota; Arash Shaban-Nejad, PhD, MPH (Co-chair), The University of Tennessee Health Science Center Oak-Ridge National Lab (UTHSC-ORNL) Center for Biomedical Informatics; Simone Bianco, PhD (Co-chair), IBM Almaden Research Center; Szymon Wilk, PhD, Poznan University of Technology; David L. Buckeridge, MD, PhD, McGill University; John S. Brownstein, PhD, Boston Childrens Hospital, Workshop URL: Moreover, to tackle and overcome several issues in personalized healthcare, information technology will need to evolve to improve communication, collaboration, and teamwork among patients, their families, healthcare communities, and care teams involving practitioners from different fields and specialties. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2020), (acceptance rate: 9.8%), November 17-20, 2020, Virtual Event, Sorrento, Italy, 10 pages. This workshop starts with acknowledging the fundamental challenges of robustness and adaptiveness in financial services modeling and explores systematic solutions to solve these underlying problems to prevent future failures. anomaly detection, and ensemble learning. "Online Spatial Event Forecasting in Microblogs. Everyone in the Top-10 leaderboard submissions will have a guaranteed opportunity for an in-person oral/poster presentation. You may file an application just the same, but Universit de Montral cannot guarantee that it will respond quickly enough for you to be able to complete all the formalities required to study in Quebec. System reports should also follow the AAAI 2022 formatting guidelines and have 4-6 pages including references. Zishan Gu, Ke Zhang, Guangji Bai, Liang Chen, Liang Zhao, Carl Yang. The acceptance decisions will take in account novelty, technical depth and quality, insightfulness, depth, elegance, practical or theoretical impact, reproducibility and presentation. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Sign-regularized multi-task learning. Poster/short/position papers: We encourage participants to submit preliminary but interesting ideas that have not been published before as short papers. Zirui Xu, Fuxun Xu, Liang Zhao, and Xiang Chen. In spite of substantial research focusing on discovery from news, web, and social media data, its applications to datasets in professional settings such as financial filings and government reports, still present huge challenges. Molecules, (impact factor: 4.411), accepted. And considering robustness, input data with noises frequently occur in open-world scenarios, which presents critical challenges for the building of robust AI systems in practice. Zheng Chai, Yujing Chen, Ali Anwar, Liang Zhao, Yue Cheng, Huzefa Rangwala. Despite gratifying achievements that have demonstrated the great potential and bright development prospect of introducing AI in education, developing and applying AI technologies to educational practice is fraught with its unique challenges, including, but not limited to, extreme data sparsity, lack of labeled data, and privacy issues. Important Dates. Microsoft's Conference Management Toolkit is a hosted academic conference management system. This workshop aims to explore and advance the current state of research and practice, including but not limited to the following topics: In addition to the invited talks and the panel discussion on topics related to Document Intelligence, the workshop program will include paper sessions which provides an opportunity to present peer-reviewed work on the topic related to Document Intelligence. Ourprevious workshop at AAAI-21generated significant interest from the community. Xiaojie Guo, Lingfei Wu, Liang Zhao. Hua, Ting, Feng Chen, Liang Zhao, Chang-Tien Lu, and Naren Ramakrishnan. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (Impact Factor: 14.255), accepted. 2022. in Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2015), research track, (acceptance rate: 19.4%), Sydney, Australia, pp. November 11-17, 2023. Shiyu Wang, Xiaojie Guo, Liang Zhao. We invite a long research paper (8 pages) and a demo paper (4 pages) (including references). arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.03954 (2022). Xiaosheng Li, Jessica Lin, and Liang Zhao. 2022. The deep learning community must often confront serious time and hardware constraints from suboptimal architectural decisions. 17th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs. Data science is the practice of deriving insights from data, enabled by statistical modeling, computational methods, interactive visual analysis, and domain-driven problem solving. Yuyang Gao, Tong Sun, Guangji Bai, Siyi Gu, Sungsoo Hong, and Liang Zhao. The workshop will focus on two thrusts: 1) Exploring how we can leverage recent advances in RL methods to improve state-of-the-art technology for ED; 2) Identifying unique challenges in ED that can help nurture technical innovations and next breakthroughs in RL. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2020), (acceptance rate: 9.8%), November 17-20, 2020, Virtual Event, Sorrento, Italy, 10 pages. Liang Zhao, Jiangzhuo Chen, Feng Chen, Wei Wang, Chang-Tien Lu, and Naren Ramakrishnan. . At least one author of each accepted submission must register and present their paper at the workshop. Scott E. Fahlman, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University (, Edouard Oyallon, Sorbonne Universit LIP6 (, Dean Alderucci, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, ( Attendance is expected to be 150-200 participants (estimated), including organizers and speakers. How to Write and Publish Research Papers for the Premier Forums in Knowledge & Data Engineering: Please specify the length of the workshop (1-day, 1.5-day, 2-day, or half-day. Scientific documents such as research papers, patents, books, or technical reports are one of the most valuable resources of human knowledge. 2999-3006, New Orleans, US, Feb 2018. For questions on submission and the workshop, please send email through the following link: Track 1: Tony Qin (Lyft), Rui Song (NC State & Amazon), Hongtu Zhu (UNC), Michael Jordan (Berkeley), Track 2: Liangjie Hong (LinkedIn), Mohammed Korayem (CareerBuilder), Haiyan Luo (Indeed). Recently self-supervised approaches for speech/audio processing are also gaining attention. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". We consider submissions that havent been published in any peer-reviewed venue (except those under review). We invite submissions on a wide range of topics, spanning both theoretical and practical research and applications. Submissions will be assessed based on their novelty, technical quality, significance of impact, interest, clarity, relevance, and reproducibility. Multilingual document understanding methods and frameworks. Such systems are better modeled by complex graph structures such as edge and vertex labeled graphs (e.g., knowledge graphs), attributed graphs, multilayer graphs, hypergraphs, temporal/dynamic graphs, etc. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Tips for Doing Good DM Research & Get it Published! We expect 50~75 participants and potentially more according to our past experiences. "Multi-resolution Spatial Event Forecasting in Social Media." Workshops are one day unless otherwise noted in the individual descriptions. Babies learn their first language through listening, talking, and interacting with adults. Papers must be in PDF format, in English, and formatted according to the AAAI template. Bioinformatics (Impact Factor: 6.937), accepted, 2022. How can the financial services industry balance the regulatory compliance and model governance pressures with adaptive models, Methods to combine scientific knowledge and data to build accurate predictive models, Adaptive experiment design under resource constraints, Learning cheap surrogate models to accelerate simulations, Learning effective representations for structured data, Uncertainty quantification and reasoning tools for decision-making, Explainable AI for both prediction and decision-making, Integrating AI tools into existing workflows, Challenges in applying and deployment of AI in the real-world. Games provide an abstract and formal model of environments in which multiple agents interact: each player has a well-defined goal and rules to describe the effects of interactions among the players. For previous workshops held physically, each workshop attracts around 150~300 participants. Novel AI-enabled generative models for system design and manufacturing. Finally, there is an increasing interest in AI in moving beyond traditional supervised learning approaches towards learning causal models, which can support the identification of targeted behavioral interventions. Position papers are welcome. Typically, we receive around 40~60 submissions to each previous workshop. This will include invited talks, poster sessions and a panel to discuss the achievements of past DSTC series, and future direction. 1145/3394486.3403221. Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2018), Oral presentation (acceptance rate: 11.0%), pp. SUPERB is a benchmarking platform that allows the community to train, evaluate, and compare the speech representations on diverse downstream speech processing tasks. IBM Research, 2018. Videos have become an omnipresent source of knowledge: courses, presentations, conferences, documentaries, live streams, meeting recordings, vlogs. The role of adjacent fields of study (e.g, computational social science) in mitigating issues of bias and trust in AI. Three specific roles are part of this format: session chairs, presenters and paper discussants. The final schedule will be available in November. Transfer learning methods for business document reading and understanding. Given the ever-increasing role of the World Wide Web as a source of information in many domains including healthcare, accessing, managing, and analyzing its content has brought new opportunities and challenges. ICLR 2022 Meeting Dates The Tenth annual conference is held Mon. Short papers 10m presentation and 5m discussion. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Liang Zhao. Distant-supervision of heterogeneous multitask learning for social event forecasting with multilingual indicators. Papers will be peer-reviewed and selected for oral and/or poster presentations at the workshop. Attendance is open to all, subject to any room occupancy constraints. We accept two types of submissions full research papers no longer than 8 pages (including references) and short/poster papers with 2-4 pages. NOTE: Mandatory abstract deadline on Oct 13, 2022. ECoST: Energy-Efficient Co-Locating and Self-Tuning MapReduce Applications. We will use double-blind reviewing. The 33rd European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databasesg (ECML-PKDD 2022) (Acceptance Rate: 26%), accepted, 2022. Information extraction from text and semi-structured documents. Spatiotemporal Innovation Center Team. Graph Neural Networks: Foundations, Frontiers, and Applications. 2022. SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2023) (Acceptance Rate: 27.4%), accepted. We welcome attendance from individuals who do not have something theyd like to submit but who are interested in RL4ED research. Oct. 24, 2021: The KDD2022 website is LIVE! California, United Stes. Submissions will be accepted via the Easychair submission website. The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC 2021), (acceptance rate: 23.6%), accepted. Call for Participation The 3rd KDD Workshop on Data-driven Humanitarian Mapping and Policymaking solicits research papers, case studies, vision papers, software demos, and extended abstracts. Information extraction and information retrieval for scientific documents; Question answering and question generation for scholarly documents; Word sense disambiguation, acronym identification and expansion, and definition extraction; Document summarization, text mining, document topic classification, and machine reading comprehension for scientific documents; Graph analysis applications including knowledge graph construction and representation, graph reasoning and query knowledge graphs; Biomedical image processing, scientific image plagiarism detection, and data visualization; Code/Pseudo-code generation from text and im-age/diagram captioning, New language understanding resources such as new syn-tactic/semantic parsers, language models or techniques to encode scholarly text; Survey or analysis papers on scientific document under-standing and new tasks and challenges related to each scientific domain; Factuality, data verification, and anti-science detection.