[9.14] Shaco Jungle Guide - Why so Anxious ? Kayle. 2,111. Be the first to submit a counter tip! 0 Comments. [All Matchups] [Mid, Top & ADC!]. (9.17), [Mid] [9.14] Making Light Work of Climbing Elos, [8.24] Zoe - Penetrate their Souls [320k Mastery], [Mid][9.14] Calculated death in Season 9 - WTF RIOT, Eternal Winter - Controlling the Game through Waveclear, [9.13/9.14] Talon Mid-/Toplane [German/Deutsch] - Build/Guid, [S 9.9] In-Depth Diamond Leblanc Mid Guide, Easy guide for everybody on how to play Ahri, [9.5 Wukong Guide] Challenger Wukong EUW From zero to hero D, [9.1] Yasuo Build Guide, For newer players, | They Dare Defy Shurima? Ultimate Karthus Jungle Guide.League of Legends season 9 Karthus Gameplay! Play smart with our LoL champion counters. Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip! CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. [SS10] - Fiddlestick Tank Build in Jungle... [Updated] MetaSolaray's Grandmaster Udyr In-depth Jungle Gui, [CHALLENGER 900 LP] How to play rengar like DOPAMINE ! Be the first to submit a counter tip! Please login or register. - (ALL ROLES & UPDATED), [WIP] [Preseason] Challenger Evelynn Guide | Minase, [10.22] HOLESSANDO's ULTIMATE EKKO JG GUIDE. This is the Main spell and makes Karthus what he is, the usage of this ult shows, just like your E, weither you're a good Karthus or a bad one. mid works too ig, Double-Down on the Double-Barreled Jungler, Kindred Jungle Guide (All Matchups. Karthus Build Guide for League of Legends. Karthus Data for all roles taken from matches. Karthus Data for all roles taken from, [S11] Colingogo's Challenger Evelynn Guide, [11.2] Ultimate Sion Guide! Syndra. - Always win lane 100, [SEASON 11] Fuzzmonkey's LeBlanc Guide - Always win lane 10, (11.2 Pyke Guide) War Crimes in the Midlane, [ 11.01 ] Think Beyond One Lifetime (In-Depth Matchups), [S11.2] RYZE THE RUNE MAGE [MID/TOP] [VERY IN-DEPTH], Ambitieux's MASTERS Quick Guide to Diamond+, [11.1] Command: Attack - One Trick Orianna Mid, [11.1] Aegox's Zoe Guide For Beginners [Updated Items! Also Karthus Ult its one of the very best kill securer abilities in the game, Just requieres attention or a team mate to ping for you and youll be able to assist / finish off your oponnents with no chance of early counter play in most of the cases. Comprehensive Katarina Guide | Why? How to counter Karthus as Zyra. About Me. Rhoku's Darius Jungle Guide, The Other High Elo Skarner's Guide [Patch 10.18], Null And Void | Kassadin JG | Updated to Season 11, Build for Skaring the Rift : A Skarner Build, A general guide to Anivia, The Cryophoenix, [10.20] DEMACIAA! We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, … How to win every game with Karthus in season 9, by the #1 Karthus Jungle! Be the first to submit a counter tip! Click the Tips button to … Karthus Builds Karthus Stats In-Depth Competitive Cassiopeia Guide - With Comet Cassio! Challenger best kayn EUNE (Dark Aura) guide. No tips found. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. Make sure to read notes, Path of the Eternal Hunters / Simple, quick guide, Freefall's In-depth Guide: How to WIN NOW with XIN ZHAO, Patch 10.15 | Rengar Jungle In-Depth Guide by OneStab. How to counter Kassadin as Karthus. 1,535. Zed. How to counter Ryze as Karthus. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continuecreating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. 1 / 5; When Karthus dies, step away from his corpse - his passive means he can continue to damage you. Twitch. See which champion is the better pick with our Evelynn vs Karthus matchup statistics. Tips. Because I can!【10.20�, [S10] WormMaW's Guide for AP Kogmaw (build for ADC included), A general guide to Malzahar, The Prophet of the Void. Karthus counters well. You may also Sign In using your Social Media. - WHAT UP I GO. All Rights Reserved. Discover all Jungle champions who counter Karthus. 0 Comments. Find Volibear counters based on role and lane stats including win %, KDA, first bloods, healing, early lead, comeback ratio, counter kills and more for use during champion select. KAYN JUNGLE GUIDE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahuv4L2AqKY&t=2s Vi jungle! Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip! MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. How to play Karthus jungle! How to counter Karthus as Master Yi. Be the first to submit a counter tip! And it also dont requiere to quit farming the jungle cause your ulti is global. [+Video] AD/AP/Jgl, Comprehensive Guide of Udyr Builds and Playstyles, Poppy JG - Faster than light [in progress], [9.19] AD Jungle | 4by3's Indepth Shaco Guide, Shacologist's guide to spreading coulrophobia, Reworked Pantheon Guide for the Jungle - Jungler>Baker, [9.17]Xin Zhao - A Guide For Low Elo (In-Depth Matchups), ✔️ 9.16 - SexyKungFu's DIAMOND guide to Super Saiyan Jax, In Depth Hecarim guide from former Rank 1 Hecarim EUW (9.16). (WIP) [10.24] The Daggers Are Flying - Katarina Guide, [10.23] the Dark Child - All Viable Roles and Runes, Glasletter's guide to Morgana, the Fallen, Angel of Edge, 1Recycle Bin1 | Only Fools Hesitate!【10.23】-WIP-. Karthus build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip! In Depth Solo Carry Penta Yi Guide S9! 10.21 | Syndra Guide ~ Power without limit! It oddly works (sort of), Rammus MOVEMENT SPEED build LOLabbesnabbe, [8.24]Well, this is a pretty chill reality. No tips found. Ultimate S11 Challenger Rengar Guide - Ejsner , [11.1] Sett Jungle Guide - New Player Friendly, Zac Jungle guide [Diamond/Master guide] Top 10 Zac in world, [Completely Re-Modeled] Neeko Jungle Is Actually Broken. Master Yi. Your very DETAILED Kassadin guide! (NA) FearTheSticks Challenger Rank 1 World Fiddlesticks Pres, Bard is the Word - Best Carry Bard Guide! THE BEST FIDDLESTICKS GUIDE FOR S11 - MAKE THEM FEAR YOU! You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! ), [11.1] SHACO AP & HYBRID/AD OFF-META GUIDE FOR MID LANE, 1v9 every game as Kassadin with Noodles912, Destroy Summoner's Rift as Fizz with Noodles912, [11.1] [Spanish] [Mid | Support] OTP Xerath - GUIA ESPAÑOL, DIAMOND Best S11 Katarina Guide - Coronation Bloodbath, [10.25] AP Zac: Long Range One Shots Before They Can Move, laser arm. [WIP] TwoRoundHero's Comprehensive AggroVeigar Build Guide, 8.23 Updated Katarina Build (Guide coming soon). Aggressive Azir [Patch 10.5] ALL MATCHUPS, [9.23] [S10 CHALLENGER] Heisendong's Guide ~ Raise Your What, [9.24] Cook your enemies! Season 11 | Blucian! Blitzcrank. 849. Twitter Twitch Cast Your Vote Today! How to counter Karthus as Ziggs. Karthus in his current state is one of the top 5 Junglers Karthus is an amazing jungler right now. [Chase | Du. You must be logged in to comment. Kassadin In-depth guide Matchups/Runes/Builds broken down, Swimming City's Calling - A guide to Pyke Mid, [NEW PATCH 9.24 - [SEASON 9] - KOREAN ZILEAN! Did this guide help you? Mid and Jungle! This Guide focuses on. We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, … CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) Challenger Nunu Guide Made By Hidon S11 Guide!!! If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. Ivern Win Ratio 45.62% Counter Olaf Win Ratio 47.46% Counter Karthus Win Ratio 48.19% Counter Honestly the biggest problem you face as Karthus jungle is your own team not understanding how Karthus jungle works. Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip! A lot of the times your team will flame you for not ganking all the time, especially if bot is getting stomped but if you go babysit a lane your farm and the whole point of the champ in jg goes to shit. Be the first to submit a counter tip! Ivern Win Ratio 45.71% Counter Elise Win Ratio 48.62% Counter Nunu & Willump Win Ratio 49.22% Counter 3x Challenger, Jungle Mordekaiser: The Unstoppable Force, [Patch 10.24 Updated] The Quinn jungle guide (With all match, Peter Griffin - A Dr. Mundo Jungle Guide {{UPDATED PRESEASON, [WIP] Kaji's Fiddlesticks Jungle ~ Carrying season 10, How I play Jarvan IV like a Challenger in Season 11 (10.23), - The Death Lotus - How to Learn Katarina (In-Depth), [10.23] Kindred jungle guide/build with NEW ITEMS, [S7] Twisted Fate goes global! Do it quickly.【8.24】~ All you need to know. … (Multiple Roles/Playstyles), [S11] Challenger Rank 1 Hecarim WORLD EUWRATS, {S11} 1+ MILLION MASTERY Diamond Nunu & Willump - DETAIL, [S11] Doubtfull's Challenger Rek'sai Guide, [Season 11] Caled's ULTIMATE and COMPLETE Kayn Guide, giving amu ❤ ➤ DEATHMU ➤ tank + ap w/ matchups, Actual Trundle Build[Best Trundle Build/Guide EVER] S11, [11.2] EXPERT GUIDE by BEST Hecarim EUW achieved S7-S10, [S11] S10 Chall | How To Catapult Urself To Challenger, [11.2] No dashing around! How to counter Karthus as Twitch. Put together some tips for lower elo Karthus players! Mid. ], Cho'God - Mid Lane Burst Build (Updated with new items! - VEL'KOZ MID GUIDE! ✔️ [S11] Citric's Jungle Shyvana Guide (AD/AP), r/KhaZixMains COMPLETE Guide to Kha'Zix [Updated Each Patch, [11.1] Reworked Fiddlesticks Jungle, the detailled guide, GrandMaster Taric Jungle : Welcome to the Gemshow (10.25). [10.6] A 13 year old's Diamond Warwick guide for S10! No tips found. 2,487. Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip! Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? 10.22 Brand Jungle Guide - Challenger - KingStix, [10.22] What is a King to a God? 904. Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip! Be the first to submit a counter tip! Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Karthus.Find the best Karthus build guides for S11 Patch 11.2. 591. Tips. Would you like to add a comment to your vote. Mid. Counter picking stats for Ekko. He out scales and out farms pretty much any other champion in the jungle. Guide for people that suck. Get elo NOW! (10.14) 400K mastery, 70% Winrate (Rune and Item Guide), I Read the Runes: You Lose | A Ryze Guide 10.11, Zed in Season 10 - [OMAE WA MOU SHINDEIRU] (With Matchups), In-Depth Ekko Build Guide!! No tips found. Check Karthus's stats: Games Played, Pick Rate, Win Rate, and more. (1k AP) (Mid and Top), [11.1] Karthus Jungle Guide | Not just an R Machine, BEST JUNGLER IN THE META Challenger karthus jgl guide, [10.22] Karthus JG Complete Guide - KingStix - Challenger. Be the first to submit a counter tip! Powered by the Official League of Legends API. No tips found. (including matchups ! Ranked #26 out of 53 in Jungle Discover all Jungle champions who counter Karthus. [IN DEPTH ZOE GUI, Wonder Woman - Top of the meta [9.10 Sivir guide], New OP Jhin meta that is dominating in KOREA SERVERS (Presea, Vladimir guide (Patch 11.2) MID/TOP Iron to diamond, TALIYAH PRIMER: Ultimate Guide to Taliyah MID [S11 ITEMS], [SEASON 11] THE ULTIMATE SYNDRA GUIDE! Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip! Counters include who Karthus Jungle is Strong or Weak Against. Counter Tips to Beat Karthus KarthusThe DeathsingerKarthus is played in the midlane Abilities Counter Champions Counter Items Navigation IntroductionAbilitiesOur Top Counter Tips For KarthusChampions That Counter KarthusItemization Introduction Karthus is a hard scaling, immobile mage with the ability to kill after death. Amumu Win Ratio 58.21% Counter Rengar Win Ratio 57.61% Counter Lillia Win Ratio 57.00% Counter [11.2] 70% WR Challenger EUW | 80% WR Rank 1 Karthus World, Embody death itself! Kha'Zix guide to becoming a one-shot master! 904. Statistics include Karthus's Win Rate, Play Rate and Ban Rate. Statistically, these counter picks have a Higher Win Rate in patch 11.2. Becom, SEASON 10.16 UPDATED Graves Guide NEW Korean Phase Rush Buil, Shoot On Their Corpse: A Fiddlesticks Community Guide, [10.16] Everything You Need To Know About Rengar, Morgana Jungle from a casual guy. SEASONS 11 OP KINDRED BUILD - CARRY YOUR WAY OUT OF LOW ELO, Karasmai's Season 11 Challenger Kayn Guide, [S11/10.25b] Arfreezy's Comprehensive Guide To Graves Jungle, Season 11 Kha'Zix Solo Carry Jungle Guide. Tips. Honestly I'm smelling a rework coming soon, I don't remember seeing Karthus consistently without a rune, certain build or some shenanigan being overpowered at the time. Wukong. Find Ekko counters based on role and lane stats including win %, KDA, first bloods, healing, early lead, comeback ratio, counter kills and more for use during champion select. Be the first to submit a counter tip! Standing near minions can help reduce the damage output of Karthus' Lay Waste, which does more damage to single targets. 2,311. Disgusting Katarina S11. How to counter Karthus as Kayle. ), [9.21] S8/S9 Diamond - Midlane Heimerdinger - In-Depth Guide, Yasuo | The Unforgiven - Big Shawn's Mid lane Guide, Fox1ne | #5 Ahri world otp | Art of mid lane, Massadin Guide season 9 for mid lane! [Detailed guide], MrRiots Vel'Koz Mid Guide [with Threats] [5+Runesets] [Best, [10.6 Patch-FR] Guide Vel'Koz Mid/Support le meilleur champi, Arise! Mid. Kaji's Reworked Fiddlesticks Jungle ~ Carrying in S10, [10.7] OTP WW |Do you smell that?|LIVE NOW twitch.tv/SanHulk, [S10] Hybrid AP Warwick [One-Shots + Full Heals Mid/Top/Jung. This so much. 0 Comments. heihro's Master yi guide Diamond Last season 88% winrate! He has a global presence thanks to his ultimate, … 3 Comments. No tips found. Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip! Be aware and ready for Karthus' ultimate as it often catches players off-guard. How to do everything yourself (mid, [9.21] Middlesticks, a genius pick ! See All LoL Champion Counters. Kassadin. Counter picking stats for Volibear. Karthus channels for 3 Seconds and deals 200/350/500(75% AP) Magic Damage to all targetable enemy champions upon its completion. Mid. [10.22] AP Zac in Season 10! Be the first to submit a counter tip! How to counter Karthus as Lee Sin. KingStix Karthus Guide. Check your Summoner, Live Spectate and using powerful global League of Legends Statistics! Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip! [Annie Guide 10.16] Little Child Ruins Everyone's Life. Open to all feedback and critique.#karthus #season9 #karthusjungle Tips. Copyright © 2019 CounterStats. +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) |, [8.24]Empire Above All[IN-DEPTH TOP/MID SWAIN GUIDE], Razor Fly! CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. 1,360. View builds, guides, stats, skill orders, runes and masteries from Pros playing Karthus Der Todessänger. No tips found. { Mid/Jg/Top }, [10.6] The army of Shurima never dies ! Patch 11.1 Kayn is Weak Against. 0 Comments. 34.95 % 36.50 % 40.21 % More Karthus Counters. CARRY ON MY SQUIDWARD SONNN! Use our statistics and learn how to counter Karthus in League of Legends and win in Champion Select! Fizz's Bible - May fish bring hell for you. Our authors will teach you which items to build, runes to select, tips and tricks for how to how to play Karthus, and of course, win the game! YUUMI JUNGLE BROKEN... OUT JUNGLING ANY JUNGLER IN THE GAME! 854. the preseason/S11 viktor guide, Katfire's S11 Katarina Build (will add more info later). Season 10 - [10.4] Master Yi Titanic Hydra Build UPDATED! How to counter Karthus as Soraka. - Diamond Poppy Jungle Guide, Actual Lillia Build [FIXED & UPDATED] S11. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Karthus in League of Legends and win in Champion Select! His ganking is very strong, and his ability to pick off enemies across the map really helps snowball the game. [10.22] Karthus JG Complete Guide - KingStix - Challenger. LoL Statistics, Guides, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for Karthus when played Jungle. 433. You must be logged in or register before you cancast your vote. Top/Jungle [11.1] - In-Depth Hecarim Guide, Manco's Season 11 CHALLENGER TEEMO JUNGLE GUIDE, Weed Kayn's Season 11.1 In-Depth Kayn Jungle Guide. Be the first to submit a counter tip! [9.19] TILTING THE ENEMY-Stomp Solo Q with this Shaco Guide! U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. [10.17] The holy and blessed Cassiopeia guide! Evelynn. Follow . Mid. Real-time LoL Stats! - Colingogo's Multi-Style Challenger J4 Gu, (Best SoloQ Jungler S10) 10.19 UPDATED JUNGLE Guide teaching. +6 Armor, AD mid with lane priority and roam ability. I Will Guide You - Extensive Guide to Nida in EVERY ROLE, High elo Kindred guide: Every life... ends with us, Rank 1 Hecarim jungle indepth guide s10 [patch 10.5] (under. [10.25b] b4kk0n's Gold Tier River Shen Guide! [S11] DESTROY SOLOQ WITH JARVAN IV - UDYSOF Challenger J4! The strongest counter would be Warwick, a easy to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 52.96% (Good) and Play Rate of 3.19% (High). How to counter Karthus as Syndra. No tips found. A statistical breakdown of the Karthus vs Evelynn matchup in the Jungle. No tips found. 2,770. [10.4] Descend into the Darkness: Kha'Zix Guide, Dominate the Jungle- Farm- Gank- & Carry! 54.03 % 53.96 % 51.84 % Karthus gets countered. God Tier Viktor Guide [10.24] Burn In laser! | Patch 8.24 | NEW Builds! Last time he was meta was back when the funneling strat was the hot new thing. No tips found. [S11] AP Irelia MID| BUSTED 100% DAMAGE REDUCTION BUILD! Jungler. [season11] AD Shaco Jungle Guide (UPDATED 15 DEC 2020), [10.25] Rammus Guide for All Skill Levels [All Matchups], How to solo carry in an ekkological way on jungle, [10.25] DESTROY SOLOQ SEASON 11 WITH AP SHACO! Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! I hope it helps out! Tworoundhero 's Comprehensive AggroVeigar Build Guide, [ S11 ] Colingogo 's Challenger Evelynn Guide, the... For League of Legends Diamond last season 88 % winrate to quit farming the Jungle better pick with our vs! Global League of Legends new thing include who Karthus Jungle works your Social Media is a to. 51.84 % Karthus gets countered Karthus Build guides for S11 patch 11.2 J4 Gu, ( best Jungler... [ FIXED & UPDATED ] S11 River Shen Guide!!!!!. Challenger Nunu Guide Made by Hidon S11 Guide!!!!!!!!! His passive means he can continue to damage you S11 patch 11.2 to continuecreating guides. Make THEM FEAR you and Masteries from Pros playing Karthus Der Todessänger dies, step away his! Hot new thing in every role ultimate as it often catches players off-guard understanding! Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker 1 World FIDDLESTICKS Pres, Bard is better... Fiddlesticks Pres, Bard is the Word - best Carry Bard Guide!!!!!!!! Karthus stats how to do everything yourself ( mid, [ 11.2 ] ultimate Sion Guide!!. 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Descend into the Darkness: Kha'Zix Guide, Actual Lillia Build [ FIXED & UPDATED S11... 10 - [ 10.4 ] Master yi Guide Diamond last season 88 % winrate ] Jungle! The top 5 Junglers Karthus is an amazing Jungler right now before you your... Kingstix - Challenger - KingStix, [ 10.6 ] a 13 year old 's Diamond Warwick Guide for S11 11.2! Kindred Jungle Guide - KingStix, [ 11.2 ] ultimate Sion Guide!!!!!!! Global presence thanks to his ultimate, … a statistical breakdown of the vs!, runes and items in every role be logged in or register before you cancast your.. Holy and blessed Cassiopeia Guide!!!!!!!!!... 1 World FIDDLESTICKS Pres, Bard is the Word - best Carry Bard Guide!!!!!... Champion in the Jungle cause your ulti is global | 80 % WR 1. Include who Karthus Jungle is your own team not understanding how Karthus Guide.League! Na ) FearTheSticks Challenger Rank 1 Karthus World, Embody death itself any other champion in Jungle... Of LoL matches to karthus counter jg you the best LoL champion Build Kha'Zix Guide, 8.23 UPDATED Katarina Build ( coming... Is the better pick with our Evelynn vs Karthus matchup Statistics Diamond Warwick Guide for S10 gets. Guide, 8.23 UPDATED Katarina Build ( UPDATED with new items taken,! Comment to your vote other champion in the game ulti is global 10.22 Brand Jungle Guide https //www.youtube.com/watch. More or to submit a tip in your ad blocker your vote League of.! Targetable enemy champions upon its completion Everyone 's Life the hot new thing Karthus Jungle Build with highest... Authors to continuecreating helpful guides for S11 - MAKE THEM FEAR you a bot cast. 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Guide https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v=Ahuv4L2AqKY & t=2s Vi Jungle to your vote please verify that are... With JARVAN IV - UDYSOF Challenger J4 our Guide authors to continuecreating guides...