One conclusion you have all come to: God does renews our youth! Fellowship is a wonderful gift. Thank you for providing deeper understanding on this subject. The great eagle wants to renew his strength and get fresh food. Isaiah is communicating the . The process requires that the eagle fly to a mountaintop and sit on its nest. At about five weeks, brown and black feathers begin to grow. how does an eagle renew its strength? The eagle's talons have become so long that they have a hard time picking up prey, and t. What does it mean to be renewed like the eagles? A Year of Birding in Costa Rica- Highlights and a Few Birds Missed, Casa Tangara dowii, Costa Rica: to claim our feathery gold. I lived in Alaska for many years and have seen dozens, if not hundreds, of eagles. Satisfies your mouth (desires) with good things It can live up to 70 years. However this does not answer the question for me based on the following points. If am wrong correct me. Molting season for eagles is the time when: they shed their feathers, their vision blurs, and their beak and talons break off. Good morning Leegreat article! I am going to be 60 years old in a couple of months time. To have ones youth renewed like the eagle is metaphorically to be renewed restored, to our original state of perfection and strength in the Lord before mankind sinned. I have been trying to find proof of that, and am not finding it. Forget NOT All His benefits: Psalm 103:5 and Isaiah 40:31 are favourite Bible verses as I trust the LORD to strengthen my body following a chronic illness. He said that he has already built into the human body the ability to renew or restore itself, such as when we burn or cut ourselves. Look at all the stuff Im learning! Lord Bless you both. We would like to use the hooded pitohuis photo on your blog, but it is always confusing as what to include for copyright. There is currently circulating the Internet a slideshow of dubious authority. This powerful imagery inspired the adaptation of the bald eagle as the U.S. national emblem in June 20 . Your faith in our Great Healer is always the correct way to go.There may be a few bumps along the way, but our Lord will always be right beside you, maybe even carrying you at times. Lepas anserifera (the barnacle in question) is named after the goose (anser) and the goose after the barnacle. What exactly does that mean? This likely led to some of the misunderstandings people have about eagles. When I saw them later, they were at the zoo, then they looked great and had full white heads. What a pleasant thought pattern you have! And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: (Colossians 3:10 KJV), I read that its a orientalism used in the Bible, that its a Hindu practice check into how the Hindus believe that the Eagle renews its youth and how it relates to the individual believer. when the young of the eagle leaves the nest and heads down and before it crushes the ground the mother eagle reaches it and carries it on her wings, what about our God our creater who knows our every thought and being? This story is bogus! 3) Every year (usually) eagles molt and grow a whole new set of feathers, whether they want to or not, but its a gradual process. (Psalms 103:2-5 NKJV), Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) by AestheticPhotos. Most birds do not have as many changes as the eagles. width: 50%; Thus, neither is as sharp as they once were. (Romans 12:2 KJV) Woolen booties. Some interesting thoughts about the Eagles renewal. Joy to you, Maia. I quoted those verses in Psalm 103 to my wife. The eagle then tows its victim to shore. And your articles put an amazing facts! Eagle feathers are also water resistant, protecting the eagle's body from the hypothermic effects of rain and wind on skin. Answer. Also, its cold on mountaintops, which would deter any sane eaglefrom picking out all its feathers and hanging around naked, waiting for them to grow back. That they do have to beat the deposits off of their beaks when they are strong again. How do eagles renew their youth? Thank you, it has been most insightful. google73226a3aa02fac6b.html. Im just thrilled that people are out there ruminating about this, sharing their thoughts, research, and comments. I plan to visit your website to learn about the birds of the Bible. Well, even though the results are kind of vague and inconclusive, I am delighted to be part of the dialogue. On the other hand, a golden eagle has a grip More :A bald eagle has a grip strength of around 400 pounds per square inch and can lift a weight of around 5 pounds. Thanks, Vijay. who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, The prophet Isaiah uses wings like eagles in the same way, attributing the great characteristics of eagles to those who remain faithful to God and look forward to their heavenly reward. Anciently there was a popular (though erroneous) belief that eagles would molt and replace their feathers in old age, receiving renewed strength. Here is what it means to me, at this point. Thats why it speaks to our lives so much and why we should apply it to our lives. You dont mind if I shared your fascinating discovery with my study group.I have been released from so many things that did not come from God (being renewed in my mind, aligning with Gods thoughts and ways about Him, myself and others] when He created me and I have received comments of my face glowing and that I look like 20 years younger without them knowing what was happening [the process that God is taking me through]. So I stay in the word and love to hear when others respond to His love. ROCK is nothing but JESUS CHRIST AND WORD OF GOD. In the Middle East and Africa there is a Holy Religious Teaching about Eagles, common among Jews and Christians and Muslims, that I find no where in English, and the electronic Translators do not Translate it well, though it is commonly used of Politicians and Governments. WORD OF GOD Is amazing and wonderful and beyond our wisdom and knowledge.As i have one thro renewing the youth as eagles as mentioned in Psa 103:5, By the revelation of Word of God, I bring forth as follws: Descriptions:A bald eagle has a grip strength of around 400 pounds per square inch and can lift a weight of around 5 pounds. Humans dont have that excuse for so many of the things we do. Just came from the doctors office with some sobering news. God help us. God told me that the good things that He satisfies your mouth with is revealed knowledge or a Rhema word a word straight from him. Soaring saves an eagle energy because it does not have to flap its wings as often. I enjoy your Golden Eagle picturesthanks for posting them! The only self-plucking by eagles, Katzner said, is when female eagles tending a clutch of eggs pull out a few belly feathers to increase skin contact with the eggs, which transfers more body heat to them. Keep having faith, love in your heart, be kind to others, smile, do good works, walk like you are on a run way, let others know your JOY! Thanks, Ken for leaving some thoughts on the eagle. The Lord provides for renewal for His children as they mature. But we dont need to get rid of old beaks. And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; (Ephesians 4:23 KJV) Eagles have always symbolized freedom, strength, and power. female assassin fantasy books; idiomatic expressions in animal farm; orlando anime convention 2022 I still want to see more though on the topic. Sight is the strongest of all eagle senses. The American Bald Eagle from the Middle East and Africa, having dirty feathers is also saying this, which in the Scriptures it is not translated very well into English Bibles. But this is also a Holy Religious Teaching about Eagles. People see some eagles that live only 30 years and others that live several decades longer and think there must be a connection, even though they are just different breeds of eagles. There is a quote in the bible in Psalm 103:5 that says. 2020 10 Jul. Thanks, Rick! I have been meditating on Isaiah 40:31 and other scriptures about waiting on the Lord. He is a fair and just God. Eagles do not pull out all their feathers, or their talons or beaks. When we wait on the Lord, He lifts us up. First is soaring on wings of eagles. Great thoughts and inspiring insight. Married for the third time and now living on the Med. The eagle flies toward the storm, knowing the peace is above it. Phyllis A. in the ATL. Solano Verde Water District. As we are in continuous relationship with God, our spiritual youth (vitality) is continually being renewed by him, allowing us to continue to soar with Him. This bird has more yellow in the eye than a Golden, but It is only one photo. I am over 60 yrs. Observation convinces us of failure. Thank you for pondering this question. The eagle is associated with air and fire since it flies amidst the clouds and the sunlight. Hallelujah! #gallery-8634-4 .gallery-caption { We sometimes need to get rid of old memories, habits and other past traditions. I have been considering updating this because it has been a popular article. I have had terrible insomnia and my mind has been in a cloudy state. The eagle is often known to fly at the rate of between forty and fifty miles an hour. agreement between bike driver and owner. Gods Word can always be trusted. 2019 10,000 Birds // All rights reserved. I remembered to research it and here your article is so full for me. Who satisfieth thy mouth with tov; so that thy neurim is made chadash like the nesher.,;OJB. The NET Bible has this note: The expression "your youth is renewed like an eagle's" may allude to the phenomenon of moulting, whereby the eagle grows new feathers. These warm air patterns are created by the surrounding terrain. Naming in Latin done by no other than Linnaeus. Like you said, we or researchers will never know. It is nice to try to figure things like this out, though. It's in that secret place that he will remove his old feathers and painfully rip out each of its old talons. The eagle is left with only two alternatives: die or face the painful process of renewal that lasts about 150 days. I find this passage very interesting and will be testifying to it. Heals All your diseases The eyes are large, can take up almost 50% of the head, and can weigh the same amount as a human eye. What I said, makes sense to me. I read psalm 103 a while ago and I do believe that when you turn your life over to God He will restore what you have lost. However, Bald Eagles are also scavengers and therefore eat dead animals they find. Perhaps you should focus on the Middle East eagles which is what the Psalmists would have been familiar with. It will pull out its talons and when new talons grow back, the eagle starts plucking its old aged feathers. 2) Birds of prey ALL have bent beaks. Period. How does an eagle renew its strength?why is king arthur a girl in fatewhy is king arthur a girl in fate How does an eagle renew its strength bible? The Lord has been dealing with me concerning Ps. I am glad to find someone else who has the desire and actually takes the time to do the research. I do plan on continuing to believe. Selah. The beauty of watching an eagle as it soars effortlessly in the sky is a reminder of its power and commanding strength. We can stay in that state, or we can turn our eyes upon Jesus, as the song goes, and look in His Word, and put our trust in Him. The interest of this article is the renewing of the eagle. The same things happens to our bodies as we eat a raw food diet. Just remember whether eagle or man/woman our bodies & our lives go through transformation, BUT the key is, if you keep looking upyou will soar just like an eagle with Gods strength, love, kindness, mercyIf you are still here, you have been Blessed. Will be praying that everything works out okay. I dont about the behavior of the other subspecies but the hornbill from our region (north east India) behaves like mentioned above. I was meditating on this same verse and am grateful for other thoughtful saints that take time to research and further fortify the faith. Its a choice, but as for me and my house; we believe and have seen many mighty miracles. The original Hebrew word in this passage is nesher, which is not an eagle, but a vulture. Blessings to you! The pride of your heart has deceived you, you that dwell in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high, that says in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? Good acceptable and Perfect, The Spirit of my mind resolute MY thoughts Since 1940, all bald eagles are protected by law. They say only 2 out of 5 eagles in that position will persevere and try to eat enough to get strength back. Isaiah gives us three pictures of strength. In Psalms 103:5 (quoted above), your youth is renewed like the eagles. : I do not find that taugh in the Bible. God created mankind in His own image. And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: (Colossians 3:10 KJV), (Update 11/2/11) Here is another possible explaination about this topic. The analogy with our youth being renewed like the eagle, is an analogy of spiritual, not physical renewal. Never thought of it in that way. Please consider adding this specific , even emphasizing this point in your article. Keep speaking and keep believing and watch what He will do! Awesome..have been wondering about this for a while. Older trying to be renewed. margin-left: 0; Just being an eagle is miraculous enough. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. The phrase mount up is a translation of the Hebrew word alah, which means "to go up, ascend, to go up over a boundary.". As I read the word I am reminded that I can be renewed with the Youth of an eagle. The 20 most common birds in Shanghai (Part 2), Top Sites for Roadside Birding in Costa Rica. But since we are really Spirit beings having an human experience, we have the ability to confess to greater opportunties such as renewing a decaying body. It is a death process. "..they that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. Thanks for your additional thoughts. The idea of their beaks falling off is mainly what I was questioning. It is not an automatic process that comes with aging as your article suggests. I also have heard when the eagle stops flying due to depression or lack of strength due to not eating,calcium deposits build on their beaks , because the high flying keeps it off. Many of Gods people are like those depressed eagles having lost the joy of life. This shows us that we can go after what God puts on our heart as long as . Tendays of fasting, let alone 150, and there would be a serious problem looming. The swiftness of its flight shows its strength. Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Apparently a nesher is more likely a vulture than an eagle. God Promised To Renew Your Strength. I know it is great to make an analogy, but this one is hard to prove. Ruth Gods child is happy with him. Perhaps Isaiah seen something in the eagle that we or researchers will never know it also could of been a vision from God . We often faint and are weak (verse 29); we are weary and we fall (verse 30). This morning, I have read all the comments and I am encouraged in my own fight against multiple sclerosis. At this it can be very painful when we go thru this process because I believe that God is maturing us at this point. Thank you for sharing. Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will . They will soar on wings like eagles" What a great promise! You see I have been depressed and overweight with 4 kids, the youngest being 3 yrs. These verses from Psalms were given to me in 1983 for my condition and I have held to them eversince. In Exodus 19:4, God reminds Moses that He bore the nation of Israel on eagle's wings. The process requires that the eagle fly to a mountain top and sit on it's nest. 2: While the article discusses the aging and maturing of the birds (people age and mature too) but the renewing of youth this is in my opinion different than maturing. 1: The Bald Eagle native to North America not sure that the Lord would use an analogy implicating a species of bird that was not known in the Old World . Eagle Symbolism and Meaning. Eagles weigh about 12 pounds and have high metabolisms, so they need to keep up the food intake. See: Thanks for the post. My one feeling after reading all these entries and your answers the word of God is true there is a renewing , as the eagles! ctesibius 3 yr. ago. /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */, Your email address will not be published. I can only believe through faith. He gives power to the faint and to them that have no might he gives strength. One day when we get to heaven, we will get a new changed body. At about five years of age, the eagle will begin going through a molting process where it loses most of its feathers only to be replaced by new feathers. Perhaps this is in reference to Jesus as the bread of life.. We recalled some wonderful teachings on the eagle, so to the computer we went to see what Google might turn up. So, thanks, all, for enlivening my afternoon. 11. I have looked into the other eagles around the world, and none of them go through the renewal that is referred to in story that has been passed on and on. We just saw an #gallery-8634-4 .gallery-item { * The female hornbill will grow its feathers along with its chicks fed by the hard working and caring father hornbill and when the chicks are ready to fly, together they will fly out from its nest. That is very interesting about our cells renewing in 5 years. I am also thrilled someone is looking into the matter and researching it. Lee, I believe GOD will not let anybody see the renewing of the Eagle because people would interfere with the process. Thanks for sharing this. This shows us that God's strength helps us to rise above all of our problems. Our great God our every step and when we are in very difficult situations and feel like we are heading to the ground God is always there to save us. As the eagle goes through the different stages of its life, the new feathers are graciously provided by a Creator that sees to the needs of His creation by having designed those features to renew as it matures. And the satisfying of our mouth I believe would be not only the word in our heart, (feeding our spirit) but also from that which we eat, that brings satisfaction, and renewal. Communications & Marketing Professional. We Want America Back! My iPad takes over at times and I didnt check it before I posted . I am asking God if this what I should do or should I wait for Him. I think as the eagle goes through his different stages he is renewed. Best Answer. I have been compiling a record of birds I have seen in and around my garden and will look at your other bird links. Enjoyed the text and images! Then, the great height to which it flies shows its strength. His skin would return to a wholeness like when he was younger. Thanks for sharing. the old dead cells are released and replaced with new healthier ones every minute. Simon, Ill be praying for you for your own fight against multiple sclerosis. Glad the article was encouraging. Learn how your comment data is processed. My interest in it was because God had placed a burden in my heart to do a Conference or Bible study on restoration in what at one point or another as Christians find ourselves in that situation. if an eagle can be so timely and not let her baby crush, what about our God. When we wait on the lord as a self chosen activity, we allow the Lord to satisfy our mouth with good things or in other words to fill our mouth with abundance of life,(remember the power of life and death are in the (tongue) mouth) then our youth is renewed like that of the eagle as we speak wholsome words in confessions, prayers and declarations. I feel like this is living the fasted life and that i can do things again that I only did in my youth. All this additional information about eagles gives new meaning to Isaiah 40:31. We recently saw a couple of eagles going through that 5 year molt and they did look very sickly. border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; This process consists of flying to the highest place of the mountain and staying there in a nest close to a wall, where there is no need . Psychological symbology defines it as "a mightily winged creature in the heavens of the mind". I am currently following a Brand new treatment for multiple sclerosis and I have already noticed the clock moving back. Plus it has been too long ago to trace my sources and resources. From the Southwestern Bald Eagle Management I found an interesting chart that shows the different stages of plumage (feathers) as an eagle ages. i believe there should be an information of that sort somewhere or if not, why then do people use that reference? Because nobody is above leaning 4 1 Sponsored by Trust Inform What is krill oil and why do people take it? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sweet, Renewal according to maturity likegoing from glory to glory by The Spirit of The LORD. Thousands of blistering barnacles Captain Haddock. About 70% of a Bald Eagle's diet is made up of fish. Lee, Thank you for the time that you put into research. Jesus is the High Priest of our confession! googlee6c2208ada9d2fa7.html They are smart birds, with healthy self-images. Yep, the much smaller. There is a claim that eagles can renew their lives by biting off their feathers, talons and beaks and then regrowing them, but this is not true. I was becoming dismayed that there were so many other posts out there that put up myth for fact and bore relation to observational science. Pingback: Be Courageous Be Bold Hebrews 4:16. (Isaiah 40:31 KJV). "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. } Thanks for the article. I looked it up, and Im going to try to type it with a straight face it seems at the end of the 12th century Bishop Gerald of Wales said that since Barnacle Geese came from barnacles, it was ok for churchmen to eat them during fasts. It would seem that the myth of the eagle going to a solitary place, moulting and smashing its beak and talons has a medieval origin. It is Life in the image and likeness of God. Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagles. Thanx lee.amazing what the bible says.its so is happening to my the eagle flying to a high place for renewal.I watched him go to a different city and after 5 months, a guy who almost died of frustrations comes back so full of energy and ready to move on.I guess new feathers and a new beak. The You. Its long and sharp beak becomes bent. Some people see eagles as signs of a bright future on the horizon. a clean heart. There the eagle knocks its beak against a rock until it plucks it out. After five months, the eagle takes its famous flight of rebirth and lives for 30 more years. Job 33: 25. 676 views 2 years ago This story is about the eagle's hard life that how does an eagle renew its strength? Now Ive discovered your article and all the discussions it has engendered. Am really, really blessed by this wonderful teachings, comments, and testimonies. 4) Captive eagles may be susceptible to mood disorders, but wild eagles are not. I am grafted-in to Gods Tree Of Life. They will soar high on wings like eagles. Peace and grace to you, Thank you much for your article. Nest in high places Protection Surveying Launch pad 3. It is one of the biggest and strongest birds that can take flight and conquer the skies, which is why the eagle symbolism can only mean all things good and strong. Praise the Lord, we are fearfully and wonderdfully made!!! A down coat might be helpful, too. Thanks for the research. The eagles fellow eagle friends faithfully watched over him and dropped him food until beak and feathers grew back. This is done so she can safely raise them up without any type of harm coming to them., This Was Your Life, And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: Philippians 3:9. Your email address will not be published. Holding on to dirty worn out feathers is what hampers so many in their spiritual flight. they are living up-to 70 years but at the 40 year of age they have to gone through to the very painful process.. We have both experienced miracles and expect another one. I would be thrilled to hear from anyone who has had a Near Death Experience (NDE) to relate if they experienced a renewal when they returned to earth life. Hallelujah!!!!! Second, we will be able to run and not get weary. I am encouraged by your comments about the eagle. That is our original state and that is what is renewed. Whether you are a hiker ,a camper, or travelling by air with toddlers - it is always important to travel light, otherwise the journey will turn out to be an exhaustive one. Thanks for the info. Whenever you watch a gorgeous bald eagle soar across the television screen and you hear its familiar call, what you're really hearing is the call of the red-tailed hawk. Jesus blood flowed out over us so that we might have a new desire to live, a new desire to embrace our destiny for such a time as this, to fulfill all that God wants for our lives. Lee, But those who hope (wait on) in the LORD will renew their strength. Branta bernicula! Then the eagle waits- upwards of 5 months. When its new talons grow back, the eagle starts plucking its old-aged feathers out. I will be healed with renewed youth like the Eagle! The variation of the lifespan of eagles is usually due to the species. Learn more about our site, Mike, Corey, or our awesome team of Beat Writers. I am glad you left a comment about the Eagles renewal. The Lord provides for renewal for His children as they mature. float: left; This struggle is all. The story is ancient, certainly older than Ps 103, but the moral drawn from it here is, well, new-agey beyond tolerance. The Hebrew word translated as youth means early life. The early life of mankind is the life before sin. Nothing is impossible with God only believe. It is a myth that has no scientific basis. I too will be 60 this year. But God always brings down those that are suchlike. This principal of being renewed like . Simon, renewal or healing, praise the Lord that you are improving. By plucking out their bad feathers and beak, they are supposedly able to live another 40 years. Seeing that I am older than you, you might want to read Isaiah 40:31 closely. But, maybe someone will leave a reply. A mother eagle will stir up the nest and let the babies drop and then catch them with her wings. There is nothing physically wrong with them; they do not know why.